Pretty Baby movie plot
Scotty 2022-04-07 08:01:02
Portman actually looks like her. But she is more beautiful. A young beauty always gives the impression that she will grow the face of an angel over time. But God made another joke.
Demetrius 2022-04-08 09:01:13
Childhood, like a prostitute, embraces everything, seduction, willfulness, love, you can photograph her, but that freeze is always just a moment, she is always a surging lark. She longed for freedom, but she was confused about the way forward. She only knew how to move forward, although her face still showed panic and thinking. What can we do, let her go because she will always find you and you can't keep her forever
[said to Bellocq twice]
Violet: I love you once. I love you twice. I love you more than beans and rice!
Bellocq: Leave me alone.
Violet: You hate me.
Bellocq: I have no time for hate or love.