The film is a film with a strong sense of social mission. The director focuses on the unbearable living conditions and difficult survival conditions of the underprivileged groups under the surface of the wealthy western society. In the film, the childhood shadows of the two brothers and the struggles and pains afterward moved the audience very much with the cooperation of beautiful pictures and perfect background music. The heavy feeling of the film makes many viewers need to chew carefully before swallowing.
The storytelling method of the film is closely related to the fate of the characters. The structure of "two flowers blooming, each with a branch" constitutes a "song of opportunity" for the growth of the lower-level people in Denmark. The film is a movie with a soothing temperament, which affects the emotions and desires, and inspires the heart.
The rhythm of the film is smooth and smooth, and the colors are natural and appropriate. Winterberg's choice of music in the film is also very good.