The Lifetime series "The Clinet lists," starring Jennifer Love Hewitt and based on the TV movie of the same name, premiered on April 8, 2012 in North America, and the latest ratings are out today. After the success of the premiere, the second episode of Lifetime's new work "The Client List" received more audiences, and the ratings "increased instead of falling".
In the end, the show captured a total of 2.8 million viewers on the night of its premiere, becoming Lifetime's most-watched new drama since 2009 ("Beautiful Girl" has the same score as its premiere), and it is second only to "Military Wife" in the past five years. (Army Wives) A new drama with the premiere score. The show also outperformed the premieres of LIfetime's latest two new dramas, "The Protector" (1.09 million) and "Against The Wall."
The show's predecessor was the 2010 TV movie "The Client List," also starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, for which she also received a Golden Globe nomination. The show's "Client List" will focus on the character of Jennifer Love Hewitt, a housewife living in a small conservative Texas town. The character works at a day spa, but she soon realizes that the employees here are offering sex for the most prominent people in society. So in order to turn around the increasingly tight financial situation, she also started this "secret" work.