The Librarian III: The Curse of the Judas Chalice movie plot
The Librarian III: The Curse of the Judas Chalice quotes
Sergei Kubichek: You don't know who I am.
Flynn Carsen: [pointedly] Sergei Kubichek. Former KGB. Security Minister in the new Russian government until six months ago when you resigned over charges that you were... regressive. Democracy not working for you, Sergei?
Sergei Kubichek: Chaos not working for me.
Flynn Carsen: Well, one man can't fix it all.
Sergei Kubichek: One man leading army of unkillable soldiers can.
Charlene: [over the phone] And Mason?
Flynn Carsen: [looking around the room] He's here and he brought a friend... a very big friend.
Charlene: Whatever it takes, do not let him leave with that vase.
Flynn Carsen: [taking his seat in the room] Check. Save the world no matter what.
Charlene: As long as you don't go over budget.