John Crowley

John Crowley

  • Born: 1967-4-7
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Paxton 2022-03-27 08:01:01


      In order to cure the Pompe disease of a pair of children, a father did not hesitate to abandon the existing stable life, go to the medical field to start a business, and finally overcome this problem. The American family film that is known for its tear-jerking and the setting of orphan disease is...

    • Dana 2022-03-28 09:01:14

      Distance from ideal to reality

      For doctors, time is life.

      For patients, drugs are life.

      In the face of various thorny diseases, the helpless doctor can only sigh. But a great father was not willing to sit still. He raced against time to take back his dear children from the god of death. As healers, we have to feel the depth of...

    • Vincent 2022-04-22 07:01:55

      Although the real plot is not as good as the movie is written, the movie is enough to move people.

    • Kole 2022-04-23 07:05:43

      Where can I get the time to watch such a silly movie? But I agree that capitalism can save people.

    Extraordinary Measures quotes

    • Megan Crowley: It's not pink.

    • John Crowley: [Looking at the college-aged kids hired to work under Dr. Stonehill] These guys make me feel old.

      Dr. Robert Stonehill: Scientists get all sensible & careful when they get old. Young ones like risk, not afraid of new ideas... & you can pay 'em less.