Petri Aulin

Petri Aulin

  • Born: 1986-11-10
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Zelda 2022-03-05 08:01:07

      Dramatic historical material, treated as banal

      Transnational production and English performances are flaws. You can't expect a script written by a French to be translated into English, and then by a Swedish German under the guidance of a Finnish director, to be able to perform freely? The Queen's otherwise dramatic historical material has been...

    • Kayden 2022-03-05 08:01:07

      The body is not, the man is listed, the heart is more than the man

      Queen, in my stereotype, the good character is generally refined and gentle, the bad one is bitter and mean, and usually accompanied by a king, and this young queen broke my stereotype.

      Everyone knows that China has Hua Mulan, a woman who disguises herself as a man to fight bravely and wisely on the...

    • Cassandre 2022-04-22 07:01:54

      I was shocked when I found out it was real

    • Skylar 2022-04-20 09:02:40

      The queen is very handsome

    The Girl King quotes

    • Queen Kristina: [eating hunter's stew] By the rusty nails of Christ's cross, this is delicious!

    • Queen Kristina: Et voilà! The humanists are here by the door. the stoics by the windows and the library of the humanist Grotius will arrive soon. Can you imagine? Forty-eight cartloads of books!