Life Itself Comments

  • Bulah 2022-04-23 07:05:57

    Just like the Latin proverb in the film says, Roger Ebert's face is his soul, whether it's the naive smile in his youth or the mutilated face devastated by the disease in his old age, he always relies on us. The enormous power of imagination to hold on to everything he has always loved. Alcohol, women, struggles and friendship with lifelong rival and friend Jean Siskel. He has also been lost in life, he has...

  • Gaylord 2022-04-23 07:05:57

    Not only countless fans, but also countless filmmakers benefited from his film reviews. As the greatest film critic in American film history, Roger Ebert told us that a film reviewer can also be a great man and can influence the development of the entire film history. "See you at the cinema" is the last sentence he left to...

  • Laney 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    Talent never dies, movie soul...

  • Reid 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    Fan films, to be honest, I should belong to a small group of people who don’t have much enthusiasm for film reviews, let alone watch film reviews before watching...

  • Eino 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    When one's life is about to end, when looking back, one's own life is like a movie, which you can watch quietly by...

  • Sven 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    Do not forget the early...

  • Myles 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    This must be seen at Gene...

  • Assunta 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    It is a silhouette of roger, in which the relationship with siskel, the fight against cancer in his later years, and blog are the main points, but it is not a review of his carreer, and I feel very disappointed. Not much fun for someone like me who isn't interested in biography. However, it is worth mentioning that the theme song is very good, and the saxophone's tune has a sarcastic atmosphere of ebert, which is very...

  • Americo 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    For two hours, Roger's life will unfold to us, family, career, love, friendship and so on. Roger is a true film...

  • Dahlia 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    Is it really good to shoot such a film in this way? I feel bad. That's not how Roger's greatness and brilliance should be expressed. I feel that what this film finally tells us, no matter how powerful you are, is no match for a terminal illness. But you have to find the love of your life (career and significant other) that will enable you to remain optimistic and continue to create value in your final days. That's all, it turned out to be such an inspirational...

Extended Reading
  • Roscoe 2022-02-04 08:22:54

    about life itself

    The opening 30 minutes of "Life Is Like a Play" are not very engaging. As a documentary about dead celebrities, the director did not use the usual flashbacks, but used Roger Ebert's days in the hospital throughout. A non-linear narrative approach to its growth process. Until 40 minutes later, I...

  • Raul 2022-02-04 08:22:54

    imperfect but alive

    I knew something about Roger Ebert before and read some of his film reviews, but because of the different times, I don't know much about his influence. Filmed in the final stages of his life, in his final battle with illness in the hospital, this documentary focuses on his impact on the filmmaker...

Life Itself quotes

  • Roger Ebert: We're both consious of the passage of time, of it's flow, slipping through our fingers, like a long silk scarf.

  • Rick Kogan: I don't know Pauline Kael. I never knew Pauline Kael, but fuck Pauline Kael. Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel were the most powerful critics of all-time in any realm.