Angel Face

Angel Face

  • Director: Otto Preminger
  • Writer: Frank S. Nugent,Oscar Millard,Chester Erskine
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English, Japanese
  • Release date: February 11, 1953
  • Runtime: 1 hour 31 minutes
  • Aspect ratio: 1.37 : 1
  • Also known as: Murder Story
  • Angel Face is a crime film directed by Otto Preminger, starring Old Rumple Eyes and Jean Simmons .
    The film tells the story of ambulance driver Frank Jessup caught up in the conspiracy of sexy but dangerous Diane Tremaine.


    • Release date February 11, 1953
    • Filming locations Beverly Hills Fire Department, Beverly Hills, California, USA
    • Production companies RKO Radio Pictures

    Box office


    $1,039,000 (estimated)

    Movie reviews

     ( 2 ) Add reviews

    • By Luigi 2022-10-23 19:05:08

      broken soul tonight

      Jean Simmons is not that beautiful. I haven't seen the "Hamlet" and "Great Expectations" she filmed in her early years, but in this film her face looks too dry, her cheekbones are vicissitudes of life, and the close-up also exposes her large but not delicate facial features. Maybe it's the black and white light and shadow that accentuates the imperfections of the face, and some scenes look much more delicate and plump when the light on her face doesn't...

    • By Cary 2022-10-23 17:04:16

      "Soul Broken Tonight": Elegance and Horror

      If death does not constitute the judgment and pain of life, how much temperament does a woman have to face the sweetness and strange horrors of life?

      When Diana's author father married her stepmother, the wealthy widow Mrs Tremaine, it was a sadness and pain in her heart. When Mrs Tremaine is mysteriously poisoned by gas, ambulance driver Frank meets the elegant Diana. In Diana's romantic style, Frank began to fall for himself and became the family driver of Mrs. Tremaine's...

    User comments

      ( 19 ) Add comments

    • By Jordy 2023-09-07 19:51:20

      7.7 I like Pluminger, which is black but not like black but still black. It can even be regarded as a love-like romance rather than a cold noir. It may still be a little bland and superficial. , but it is absolutely smooth, Mitchum is still that drunken-eyed look, and Jane Simmons, who is not a scorpion and a scorpion, is very brilliant. After doing a lot of evil, her image has become extremely...

    • By Lois 2023-08-20 01:01:08

      It can be seen that the father who plays Jane is a troubled male protagonist in heaven / a black-bellied rich girl is the most...

    • By Gerda 2023-07-10 11:26:36

      Looking forward to the blu-ray version. The extreme of love is destruction, and the extreme of love is regret. Preminger tries Electra after 17 teenage lovers who have not gone through trial. (And it...

    • By Reginald 2023-06-03 01:36:58

      The most elusive femme fatale, and the film's lack of a strong account of most of the transitions makes her capricious behavior seem deliberate. The plot is a bit slow, and the ending is...

    • By Jeffry 2023-04-12 04:44:57

      3.5 Watching with two friends, friend A said, "It is said that Godard likes this film very much." Friend B said, "Of course, Godard likes any movie that hates...

    Movie plot

    When Mrs Tremaine is mysteriously gassed to death, ambulance driver Frank Jessup meets her elegant but sexy stepdaughter Diana, who quickly catches up and falls in love with him. Seduced by Diana, Frank soon becomes Tremaine's chauffeur, but he begins to suspect the danger beneath her ostensibly sweet words. When he showed signs of escaping, Diana planned to get him so deep that he would never get out.
    In California, ambulance driver...
    more about Angel Face Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Frank Jessup: [to Mary] You know something? You're a pretty nice guy - for a girl.

    • Frank Jessup: [of Diane's 'evil' stepmother] ... If she's tryin' to kill you, why did she turn on the gas in her own room first?

      Diane Tremayne: ...To make it look as though somebody else were guilty...

      Frank Jessup: Is that what you did?

      Diane Tremayne: Frank, are you accusing me?

      Frank Jessup: I'm not accusing anybody. But if I were a cop, and not a very bright cop at that, I'd say that your story was as phony as a three dollar bill.

      Diane Tremayne: ...How can you say that to me?

      Frank Jessup: Oh, you mean after all we've been to each other?... Diane, look. I don't pretend to know what goes on behind that pretty little face of yours - I don't *want* to. But I learned one thing very early. Never be the innocent bystander - that's the guy that always gets hurt. If you want to play with matches, that's your business. But not in gas-filled rooms - that's not only dangerous, it's stupid.

    • Mrs. Catherine Tremayne: Charles, at times your charm wears dangerously thin. Right now it's so thin I can see through it.