Chico & Rita

Chico & Rita

  • Director: Javier Mariscal, Fernando Trueba
  • Writer: Ignacio Martínez de Pisón,Fernando Trueba
  • Countries of origin: Spain, United Kingdom, Hungary, Philippines, Canada, Fr
  • Language: Spanish, English, French
  • Release date: November 19, 2010
  • Runtime: 1 hour 34 minutes
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Chico Và Rita
  • "Chico & Rita" is an animated film directed by Javier Mariscal and dubbed by Limari Monezez, Inan Ona, Mario Guenla, etc., which was released in Spain on February 25, 2011. show.
    The film tells the story of 1940s Cuba, where pianist Chico meets and falls in love with talented singer Rita Yahan-Farouz.


    • Release date November 19, 2010
    • Filming locations Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión, San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba
    • Production companies Isle of Man Film, CinemaNX, Estudio Mariscal

    Box office


    €9,200,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 8 ) Add reviews

    • By Adelbert 2022-10-22 14:16:16

      Sir Pop's Soul Love Under the Cloak of Love

      From the "Pearl of the Caribbean" Cuban Hakana to Broadway in New York to Hollywood in Los Angeles, California, "Love in Cuba" uses the ups and downs of the love story of piano musician Chico and talented singer Rita in the 1940s. It links the rise and fall of pop jazz in the process of social and cultural changes across the race.

      There is suspicion and willfulness in love, and narrow prejudice in music; love still has external forces to break up after confirming the eyes, and...

    • By Zion 2022-10-19 13:20:50

      music full of memories

             In the year we met, in beautiful Havana, maybe the place was not romantic, just in a nightclub, a less romantic place, but a romantic love started, Rita didn't notice Chico until he actually followed Rita Go, come to the band's concert, and that is the concert, Chico showed his musical talent, it turned out that music kept them together, and that day, Rita went with Chico, in fact, everything was like that Simple, the beginning of a romantic love.
            The next day, it was like...

    • By Jarrell 2022-08-20 23:23:16

      "Chico and Rita": The fate of the separation and separation has been ill-fated, and the reunion has turned white

      The streets of Havana in the afternoon. The aged Chico finished polishing his shoes and walked slowly home with his toolbox in hand. From time to time, acquaintances greeted him, a few young people listening to rap music, an old lady on the balcony facing the street, and a car mechanic downstairs. Chico just responded indifferently, his expressions and movements filled with exhaustion. It was not until he returned to the dwelling, turned on the radio, and heard jazz music, that there was a...

    • By Letitia 2022-07-13 23:41:17

      Beautiful music, simple story

      Saw it at the BARBICAN cinema. I want to buy the soundtrack after watching it once.
      The more beautiful poster is the one with the yellow skirt.
      There are a few interesting episodes. Spanish women are really different.
      It feels as if the important things for a person are only until the age of 30, and the time after that does not count.
      I really like the animation in it expressing the plot of the city and the dream.
      I like that window screen fluttering.


    • By Pearlie 2022-07-13 21:02:52

      Some love is always unsatisfactory

      1, Chico's character: Chico is actually a little naive man, not mature enough. However, naive men are more real and cute. If they are like the one who took Rita away, they are mature, scheming, and successful, but you don't love them anymore. I don't question Chico's love for Rita, it's just that his love, from a woman's point of view, doesn't seem to be enough. When his ex-girlfriend came to the door, when he was unable to resolve the conflicts and fights between the two women, the weak...

    User comments

      ( 19 ) Add comments

    • By Meaghan 2023-07-15 07:10:03

      A fascination with Havana, a Latin jazz style...

    • By Leo 2023-06-04 19:14:54

      Irresistible about...

    • By Bo 2023-04-26 09:54:54

      3.5/5 The story is a little worse, the music itself is good, and watching American animations a lot, European animations always feel...

    • By Christiana 2023-04-02 18:21:36

      This is a clichéd love story. However, the 3D animation with delicate lines and strong 2D hand-painted style, together with beautiful and moving Cuban music, coupled with the strong Cuban style, make this 90-minute animation greatly appreciated. The picture of the heroine dancing in a yellow dress is very moving. Three and a half. 2012 Oscar Nominee for Best Animated...

    • By Nicholaus 2023-03-26 00:34:53

      I quite like this style. Have you seen "Iron Lady"? Flashbacks like this are good for love stories, not for political...

    Movie plot

    There he meets talented singer Rita and the two quickly fall in love, but the arrival of Chico's ex-girlfriend Juana creates a misunderstanding. Under Ramon's persuasion, Rita and Chico joined the radio singing competition together with Chico and started a music career. After that, Rita was photographed by the American builder Ron and offered her a contract to grow up in New York. Chico sold the piano and followed Ramon to the United...
    more about Chico & Rita Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Ramón: That's Chico. Unknown, but he's the hottest piano player in Cuba.

    • Ramón: Business? That's my business!

    • Chico: You look like a Yankee!

      Rita: But i still like kidney beans...

      Chico: I've seen you in magazines. You're headed for Hollywood, right? Aren't you tired of playing Miss Charming?

      Rita: Don't you like me sitting by your side, eating kidney beans?

      Chico: I like it so much, it frightens me...

      Rita: What are you frightened of?

      Chico: Same thing as you...

      Rita: Why should i be frightened?

      Chico: Of listening to your heart for once. Of leaving your cage and not finding your way back.

      Rita: You really believe that?

      Chico: Uh-huh...

      Rita: Come with me!