

  • Director: Clint Eastwood
  • Writer: Anthony Peckham,John Carlin
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English, Afrikaans, Maori, Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho
  • Release date: December 11, 2009
  • Runtime: 2h 14min
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital, DTS, SDDS
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: The Human Factor
  • "Invictus" is a biographical film produced by Warner Bros. Pictures in 2009, directed by Clint Eastwood and co-starred by Morgan Freeman , Matt Damon and Tony Kogorogi. The film was released in the United States on December 11, 2009.
    The film tells that during the 1995 The Republic of South Africa Rugby World Cup, President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of the Republic of South Africa and the captain of the national rugby team Francois Pinar together made The Republic, which had just emerged from the apartheid system and faced division, soon of South Africa, the story of unity again   .


    • Release date December 11, 2009
    • Filming locations Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
    • Production companies Warner Bros., Spyglass Entertainment, Revelations Entertainment

    Box office


    $60,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 110 ) Add reviews

    • By Magnus 2022-04-24 07:01:05


      Before this, I was not familiar with Mandela and rugby. After watching this movie, I thought of the doubts that often flash in our hearts, that is, this world is not perfect, facing an unfair past, facing my youth is "wasted" (perhaps Mandela did not Wasting his youth, in prison he still studies, organizes political activities), what will we do with the world? Let's start by thinking about our attitude towards the world: whether to blame the bad world, or hate the unreasonable world and put...

    • By Rey 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      I am the captain of my soul

      Classic inspirational. The focus of the film is on Mandela's encouragement to the captain of the Springbok team and the spiritual experience of the captain of the Springbok team after communicating with Mandela. Prison made Mandela, and Mandela's insights in prison inspired the captain. I am the captain of my soul. This is the theme of the film, and it is this belief that motivates the captain. Taking a name is a matter of human beings, and it is also a touchstone. In addition to this love,...

    • By Angelina 2022-04-24 07:01:05


      I was impressed by the poem that inspired Mandela to spend 30 years in prison after reading "It Happens in People". The name is also the name of the movie, and I specially found it to share with you:


      William Ernest Henley (1875)

      Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

      By Anne 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      Racial Reconciliation or Political Means

      Using external worries to solve internal problems is just a political trick. The football tour and the U.S. presidential election are essentially emotional cards. The former avoids talking about something, and the latter just covers up or fabricates what needs to be talked about.

      Everyone says that Mandela is compassionate, but Cheng Xin in the Three-Body Problem is also compassionate... Do leaders need the trait of compassion? We don't know. I only know that he is great not because of...

    • By Ali 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      Eastwood's legacy

      Rugby is the medicine, and Mandela is the medicine, saving the new South Africa from a waste of time.

      Invictus Out of the night that covers me,

      By covering my dark night, Black as the pit from pole to pole,

      I saw layers of bottomless darkness. I thank whatever gods may be

      Thank God for my unconquerable soul.

      Unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance

      Even if held by hell, I have not winced nor cried aloud.

      I don't flinch or scream. Under...

    User comments

      ( 74 ) Add comments

    • By Andre 2023-09-09 09:01:42

      Morgan Freeman is really...

    • By Margarette 2023-08-14 12:12:10

      Inspirational is very inspirational, but not the Mandela I want to...

    • By Natalie 2023-08-09 10:36:43

      Unlike sports movies, Eastwood seldom disappoints...

    • By Chris 2023-07-29 16:57:53

      Freeman's laugh is a bit like Mandela, adding a documentary flavor to the inspirational theme. "Thank God for giving me an unconquerable soul", this is not the well-being of the South African...

    • By Halle 2023-07-23 23:17:06

      Sports is really a panacea to eliminate...

    Movie plot

    Nelson Mandela ( Morgan Freeman ) , who just ended his jail , successfully ran for the president of South Africa. He led the people to break apart the apartheid system, and took the lead in hiring white guards to establish communication of different colors in all aspects. As the host of the 1995 Rugby World Cup, South Africa returned to the family of international sports.
    However, South Africa's rugby team, the Springboks team, whose...
    more about Invictus Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    Both the producer and director of the film wanted to find a British actor to play Francois's father. The audition and selection work lasted from November 2008 to March 2009. But there was no suitable candidate, so the crew had to find a less famous actor to play this role.
    The entire film was shot in South Africa, mainly in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
    The film is adapted from John Carlin's "Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game...
    more about Invictus Behind the scenes gags

    Evaluation action

    The film is an inspiring film, a film full of humanistic spirit, and a film that sincerely expresses Mandela's personality charm. Whether in this movie or in life, regardless of race, ethnicity, politics, or culture, you can see the great miracles of tolerance and communication, while isolation, prejudice, hostility, frequent resistance, blockade, and withdrawal, habitually "have ulterior motives" The accusations of "incitement" can...
    more about Invictus Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Nerine: [after Francois returns from his tea with President Mandela] So, what's he like?

      Francois Pienaar: [pauses] He's unlike any person I've ever met.

    • Hendrick Booyens: [after meeting Francois Pienaar for the first time] He's not as big as he looks on TV.

    • Jason Tshabalala: There are four Special Branch cops in my office.

      Nelson Mandela: Why, what did you do?