Lazarus Rising

Lazarus Rising

  • Director: Kim Manners
  • Writer: Eric Kripke,Jeremy Carver,Cathryn Humphris
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: September 18, 2008
  • Runtime: 55 minutes
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 HD
  • "Supernatural Season 4" is an American suspense-themed TV series directed by Robert Singer and starring Jason Ackles and Judd Padalecki.
      The play tells the story of Lilith who entered Ruby and put the hellhound into the house, Dean was dragged into the dark hell, and just when Lilith wanted to destroy Sam, he found that Sam was immune to her powers.


    • Release date September 18, 2008
    • Production companies Wonderland Sound and Vision, Warner Bros. Television

    Movie reviews

     ( 12 ) Add reviews

    • By Gregorio 2022-12-26 05:35:35

      Angels and Demons in SUPERNATURAL

      The first and third seasons of "SUPERNATURAL" are the world of the devil: vampires, bloody marys, shapeshifters, ghouls, etc., and the most popular monsters and monsters will appear in it.
      I am also very proficient in the most basic way to eliminate ghosts. First of all, if it is haunted, first investigate which dead person is still making waves after death. After identifying the target, go to dig his coffin, find his wreckage, and put his The wreckage is burnt to ashes, but generally...

    • By Randall 2022-12-13 08:47:27

      Staged feelings about the fourth season :)

      In the fourth season, the characters feel changed a lot.
      I still like SAM in the second season. In the fourth season, it was too strong, but DEAN became the vulnerable party.
      But the entanglement is tangled, SAM's growth process is very superb, and the characters of the brothers are constantly changing, which is better than the Conan of Wannian.
      The key character in season four is DEAN.
      I admit that I really liked DEAN over SAM from the second half of season 3. If...

    • By Leonora 2022-11-05 09:17:41

      Four Seasons 'Supernatural': Earth, Hell, Heaven; The Legendary Trinity

      Four seasons "Supernatural" (Supernatural): the world, hell, heaven; the legendary Trinity
       (Text: Vulcan Ji)

      two men, chasing the road that their father once walked; completing the unfinished business of his father.
      From here, where will it stop in the end.
      No one knows, and neither do I; but what I do know is that I will accompany them all the way to the end. - Vulcan Ji. Inscription.

      1. Character settings.


    • By Amelia 2022-11-02 01:56:13

      I serve heaven not man

      The two brothers broke the first seal, and the younger brother broke the last seal, so Lucifer was resurrected from hell and came to the world... On the surface, it was a group of little devils pushing it, but if there were fake anti-waters, it was actually an anti-corruption. There are those who simply sacrifice themselves, and those who become cannon fodder without knowing it. To tell you the truth, I don’t know whether the devil will return to hell or disappear completely. It seems...

    • By Keyshawn 2022-10-22 15:41:25

      Supernational Law

      1. Demons turned out to be human beings
      . To be a hunter requires a firmer belief than a Christian, being slaughtered by demons, chased by police, and persecuted among hunters!
      3. People with many black eyes are suspected to be possessed by demons, and those with many white eyes are more likely to be the behind-the-scenes boss
      4 of the demon. When a person dies, try to cremate as much as possible to prevent becoming a ghost
      5 in the future. For all kinds of seasonings,...

    User comments

      ( 23 ) Add comments

    • By Fanny 2023-08-23 20:31:46

      I love Uncle Jon, I want...

    • By Owen 2023-07-30 23:26:53

      The four seasons are completed, and the fifth season is fully...

    • By Adelbert 2023-07-23 18:27:15

      Haven't watched it for a long time. ....

    • By Rowan 2023-07-08 16:43:48

      Putting the blame on Sam for releasing Lucifer just because he was the one who did it is as absurd as putting the blame for the World War on the soldier who fired the first shot, and the most brazen politician wouldn't take it out Such an excuse to shirk responsibility. He's just an ignorant pawn, who doesn't think that killing Lilith is the key to stopping Lucifer before the shit stick angel reveals the truth? He is not the big player in layout and chess, and those with more power and...

    • By Chesley 2023-06-28 07:49:02

      There are a few episodes that are really, especially...

    Movie plot

    More than 20 years ago, a mysterious demon killed Dean and Sam's mother, and father John began to train them as fighters. After John disappears, they embark on a ghost hunt, driving a 1967 Chevy Impala against mysterious forces across the United States. In the battle, his father and Sam died one after another, and Dean made a deal with the devil to exchange his life for the resurrection of his younger brother. 
    more about Lazarus Rising Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Dean Winchester: And what visage are you in now, huh? What, holy tax accountant?

    • Dean Winchester: Look, pal, I'm not buying what you're selling. So, who are you really?

      Castiel: I told you.

      Dean Winchester: Right. And why would an angel rescue me from hell?

      Castiel: Good things do happen, Dean.

      Dean Winchester: Not in my experience.

      Castiel: What's the matter?

      [pause, he studies Dean]

      Castiel: You don't think you deserve to be saved.

      Dean Winchester: Why'd you do it?

      Castiel: Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you.

    • Bobby Singer: [On phone] Hello?

      Dean Winchester: Bobby?

      Bobby Singer: Yeah?

      Dean Winchester: Its me.

      Bobby Singer: Who's 'me'?

      Dean Winchester: Dean.

      Bobby Singer: [Bobby hangs up. Dean tries again] Who is this?

      Dean Winchester: Bobby listen to me...

      Bobby Singer: This ain't funny. Call again and I'll kill you.