

  • Director:
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: January 23, 2003
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 HD
  • Also known as: MythBusters - Los cazadores de mitos
  • "Mythbusters Season One" is a comedy film directed by Andrew Farrell (writer).


    • Release date January 23, 2003
    • Filming locations M7 Industries, San Francisco, California, USA
    • Production companies Beyond Entertainment, Beyond Productions, Discovery Channel

    Movie reviews

     ( 7 ) Add reviews

    • By Hayden 2022-03-21 09:02:19

      Mythbusters' first season running account

      Because I am bored, I hereby record the running account here

      In order to practice typing and review the plot in the future, the text is all spoilers

      Please watch as appropriate

      Another: I have no literary color, bad writing


      Episode 1 The Escaping Paper in the Water Truck folded in half 7 times

      When the car falls into the...

    • By Fay 2022-02-15 08:01:31

      Rumorbusters, journey to the truth

      "Mythbusters" is a documentary that combines all aspects of knowledge. Its theme is to decipher all kinds of urban rumors, from airplanes and cannons to sneezing toilets. It includes but is not limited to: animals, Architecture, machinery, guns, survival in the wilderness, survival in the city, the feasibility of content in Hollywood movies, urban slang, urban legends, creatures that exist in the world, zombies that do not exist in the world, etc.

      By Virgil 2022-02-15 08:01:31

      I personally think that Franklin’s inference about flying a kite is not very rigorous

      It is true that the powerful energy of lightning cannot be simulated in life, but according to "How Much Probability Knows", a person survived 7 lightning strikes. (There should be many cases of surviving a lightning strike in the world, right?) This is of course a miracle, but it is also a fact after all. This means that if you are struck by lightning, the death rate cannot be 100%.

      For those who survived by lightning, the power of lightning should not be very strong, (maybe a...

    • By Zane 2022-02-15 08:01:31

      Has nothing to do with science

      It's a very interesting combination.
      Adam is like a big kid, with some neurosis, occasionally driving Jamie a little crazy. Like to toss all kinds of things, and often mess things up, but don’t take it seriously.
      Jamie is a sullen type, with a weird seal beard, and often wears a beret. Although Jamie looked more serious, Adam's words clearly revealed Jamie's sorrow. "Jamie's biggest advantage is that when you say you want to smash a wall, he will only say how big it will be." The...

    • By Alysha 2022-02-15 08:01:31

      second best TV show in history

      highly explosive!
      A very good real life show, in the film they alluded to themselves as the best TV show in history, although this statement is arrogant, but this series is indeed the second best TV series in my personal evaluation (The first is the comedy blackadder), the reason is as follows.
      1 Big scene: In almost every episode, a car is blown up, a boat, even an airplane, or other large steel products are destroyed from time to time, and the explosive methods used...

    User comments

      ( 87 ) Add comments

    • By Donavon 2022-04-24 07:01:15

      This is the longest thing we've ever...

    • By Jerald 2022-04-24 07:01:15

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The brain hole is also a god [I rummaged around and found the bean column of the full documentary Discovery... When did the bean column design so anti-human beings ( ŏΔŏ...

    • By Marcelle 2022-04-23 07:02:48

      It's a very interesting and challenging...

    • By Ashlynn 2022-04-23 07:02:48

      Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !...

    • By Luisa 2022-04-23 07:02:48

      Obama was on the show yesterday. By entertaining and entertaining, the scientific spirit of the whole people is cultivated in this...

    Movie plot

    A Discovery Channel TV series created by Australian TV producer Peter Rees. He discovered the two of Jamie and Adam, the creator of the team. This is a TV series in documentary form, which can probably be classified as "discovery/scientific experiment/stunt". The two hosts Jamie and Adam reveal to the audience the secrets of various "myths" circulating in contemporary streets and alleys.
    The content of each episode contains 3 "myths",...
    more about MythBusters Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Adam: [Holds up a pig's head in front of his face] Jamie!

      Jamie: Yeah?

      Adam: Please don't fire bullets into my head!

      Jamie: Its only got one ear though.

      Adam: We don't need ears for testing lethality of bullets at terminal velocity man!

    • Adam: [Holds a weather balloon] For science!

      [Releases the weather balloon and it floats away]

      Jamie: [Points to the weather balloon] It's going that way!

      [Adam laughs]

      Adam: You're a budding meteorologist Jamie!

      [Jamie laughs]

    • Salvatore: [mixing explosive chemicals in order to explode pants] Frank, why are you standing so far away?

      Frank Hausman: Because I want to live.

      Salvatore: I guess the second question is, why am I standing so close?