See You Up There

See You Up There

  • Director: Albert Dupontel
  • Writer: Albert Dupontel,Pierre Lemaitre
  • Countries of origin: France, Canada
  • Language: French, German
  • Release date: October 25, 2017
  • Runtime: 1 hour 57 minutes
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: До побачення там, нагорі
  • "Au revoir là-haut" is a crime drama film directed by Albert Dupontel, starring Nahuel Pérez Biscayart and Albert Dupontel . It was released in France on October 25, 2017 and released in mainland China on April 30, 2019   .
    The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Pierre Lemaitre. It tells the story of two soldiers in France after the First World War who were persecuted because of their crimes. Decided to set up a scam to seek justice   .


    • Release date October 25, 2017
    • Filming locations Theuville, Val-d'Oise, France
    • Production companies Stadenn Prod, Manchester Films, Gaumont

    Box office


    €19,750,000 (estimated)

    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 30 ) Add reviews

    • By Arielle 2022-12-30 17:50:01

      A movie with N brushwork

      After listening to Xu Song's new song Crow, the scene of Edward jumping off at the end suddenly flashed. It was reconciliation and relief. So I looked again.

      Soldiers charge in front of the battle, life and death are unpredictable, and Shuai covers up the facts behind to make a fortune - "Those who fly on the branches are funny, and those who occupy the nest are happy"

      As a veteran, Ben couldn't accept the pain of disfigurement and throat damage, but hatred and the concern...

    • By Shaun 2022-12-30 04:56:06

      Goodbye in the sky 38 masks collection

      This is not a film review about the pain of war, the tear of father and son, and the post-war society and people's hearts, it is just some surreal impressionist words.

      This is 38 A, B, C, D, this is a collection of 38 masks

      Screenshots are not easy to reproduce without authorization

      1. 00:16:58 Eugene from the orphanage

    • By Ottilie 2022-12-17 22:24:07

      No winner after war is just a statement of probability

      At the end of the war, what the soldiers got was forgetfulness and pain, but the lieutenant, who ignored human life, made ill-gotten gains from the war.

      Those who are rapists and criminals are on the rise, but those who are upright are not able to get ahead.

      There is no winner after the war, it's just a probabilistic statement, because it's just the bottom majority who suffer.

      So are those who died martyrs or victims?

      Even if the survivors tried to resist,...

    • By Chaim 2022-12-13 21:24:55

      "No Speech 037" Poetic Anti-War - "Goodbye in Heaven" Film Review

      "The war is over and I'm not sure". Incorporating the anti-war theme into dark humor and French style, this "gorgeous" post-war film has the taste of a literary masterpiece. With some careful polishing, the pain and artistic sense will be even better.

      The film is based on the French literary award of the same name. Time Magazine reviews the original screenplay: strong emotion, sheer clarity, and genius originality. The film retains the clarity and originality of the literary...

    • By Sigurd 2022-12-07 01:48:48

      How masks heal wounds of the soul

      Stories about genius seem to be mostly heartbreaking, whether it's the loneliness and coldness of "The Pianist at Sea" or the loneliness and determination of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Although there are occasional warm moments like "Beautiful Mind" or "Good Will Catcher", more often we can only watch on the sidelines as geniuses take on the sensitivity, fragility, and loneliness brought about by their talents and talents alone, and have a relationship with the mundane world....

    User comments

      ( 26 ) Add comments

    • By Jerald 2023-09-21 22:55:53

      The magic of the movie is that I may only understand a quarter of this movie, but I still cry when it's time to...

    • By Ruthie 2023-09-12 12:19:52

      Reflect on war with unique French romance and...

    • By Lionel 2023-09-06 12:27:51

      The mask is good, but the story is...

    • By Elouise 2023-07-25 23:20:03

      【A】An anti-war movie at the highest level, a gorgeous and pathetic adult fairy tale. During the war, there were soldiers who were used as tools and died; after the war, there were martyrs who were replaced and pried open their coffins. The scum who has done all the bad things makes a lot of money, and the honest and outspoken officials never get promoted. Behind the exquisite service is a reflection on history, and in front of the witty French humor is a torture of human...

    • By Julio 2023-07-14 20:38:17

      In the trenches, in the smoke of gunpowder, depicting people in the forest and making general paintings, it is not just a boring pastime of wartime time, but also an unswerving heart for art. For those exquisite but excessively "perverse" masks, the man behind them has experienced unimaginable complexity. Beauty and grief have alternated between them for twenty years, and the trauma of war has left indelible marks on their body and mind. Traces, a pair of bright eyes showed the endless...

    Movie plot

    The handsome painter Edward threw a paintbrush and a spear on the battlefield in a chaotic world. He was smashed half of his face by ruthless artillery fire in order to save his comrade Albert, who was in danger due to accidentally witnessing the crime of the Chief Radeer. After the war, he suppressed his inner feelings, pretended to be killed in battle, kept away from his relatives, wore a mask, kept his name incognito, and lived a...
    more about See You Up There Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    The original novel depicts an imaginary secular scroll with fine literature, while the film uses visual effects, artisanal craftsmanship and make-up techniques to bring the scroll to life on the screen  . The film's narrative and images are very smooth from beginning to end, with great help in color grading and pairing generation, and the lens is quite a bit like "Amelie", which is light and agile   . In the film, the use of visual...
    more about See You Up There Evaluation action

    Movies Directed by Albert Dupontel

    Movies Starring Nahuel Pérez Biscayart