The Banishment

The Banishment

  • Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev
  • Writer: William Saroyan,Artyom Melkumyan,Oleg Negin
  • Countries of origin: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Release date: January 18, 2018
  • Runtime: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Вигнання
  • "The Banishment" is a romantic film directed by Andrei Sarkinsev, starring Konstantin Laronico, Alexander Baruev, Maria Bonneville and others.
    The film tells the story of Alex's decision to return to the city to seek revenge for his wife's lover.


    • Release date January 18, 2018
    • Filming locations Charleroi, Wallonia, Belgium
    • Production companies Ren-TV

    Box office

    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 14 ) Add reviews

    • By Vickie 2022-12-28 11:58:55

      Only one person's persistence is impossible

      When did you start to stop talking to me?

      They had little communication, no concern, just eerily flat. Silence is often the prelude to a storm.

      Men always take everything for granted. People are emotional animals, and their spiritual needs should never be underestimated. This is precisely the blind spot that men are most likely to ignore.

      Living with a loved one, when his eyes are no longer on you, even daily...

    • By Bonnie 2022-12-24 13:15:34

      love is colder than death

      After reading a few "reviews", I am confused about doctrines, theories, religions, whatever the term looks advanced. Good works are based on the author's deep understanding of life, and they have not experienced it or at least seen it. This is probably the case for the point of view of the work, otherwise, it can only be piled up with high-level sentences, and piled up to dozens of floors, which is also another building, not saying the same thing. The story of Banish Love itself is...

    • By Micaela 2022-11-14 01:05:00

      Don't hide your beauty in your spare time, don't read it by ordinary people | I have a lot of things to tell you about love.

      It's not as good as the first movie, but it shows Andre's ambition.
      It seems that Andre is also planning to make a series.
      At the beginning of the first film, the return of fatherhood and inheritance.
      The second film is alienation in the adult world, and the two sexes The barrier of love. The limitation of love.

      This is really not pure enough. It falls into the trap of formalism.
      Even so, we must admire him for telling such a story.
      To learn the basic...

    • By Krystina 2022-10-22 14:27:15

      exile love

      The film is actually indicting the tyranny and violence of patriarchy, while the supporting roles set off another weak and incompetent patriarchal extreme! The tragedy of the story is ultimately due to the man's ego and lack of communication, the source is selfish and self-righteous thinking. The director deliberately chose audio-visual with a strong sense of ritual to reinforce the various expressions of men in the process of chronic murder, like a quiet examination; especially the...

    • By Kiley 2022-10-20 16:21:56

      exile love

      Andrei Sarkinsev's second narrative record, the story is about a couple with 2 children, their relationship was broken to the brink of collapse, the heroine became desperate after an unexpected pregnancy, and the child could not save the failed marriage, lied It wasn't that the male protagonist committed suicide by taking medicine during an abortion, and his brother's marital status was also reflected by the same failure. The directing style of the whole chapter continues its first work,...

    User comments

      ( 23 ) Add comments

    • By Joelle 2023-09-22 11:46:15

      Who exactly exiled who, life is impermanent. ....

    • By Carmel 2023-09-09 04:54:55

      The unthinkable girl killed herself. Are there still few couples like this in the world, who can't adjust and can only live every day like a year. The plot is more boring than "Return". Such a literary film is too niche and is destined to fail at the box office. But the shots are so beautiful and amazing, I couldn’t take my eyes off the first shot, every shot was a painting, and framing and movement were...

    • By Vivien 2023-09-02 21:25:48

      Sarkinsev still maintained his camera style and set up a good way to torture family problems, but the subject matter was played in general, and the power could not come...

    • By Conrad 2023-08-18 13:56:11

      multiple tremors. Not an ordinary...

    • By Jaylon 2023-07-09 14:13:11

      Uh, how should I put it, I like this image style, after all, it inherited some characteristics of Tarkovsky. For example, the tree at the beginning, it is hard not to remind people of the beginning of "Sacrifice", and reading "1 Corinthians" reminds me of "Andrei Rublev", and the performance of the scenery also has his style. The puzzles of Leonardo da Vinci's Annunciation have deep meaning. However, I am quite disgusted with the director's cryptic narrative style, especially what the heroine...

    Movie plot

    Alex (Konstantin Lavronanke) and his wife Vera (Maria Bonneville), with their children, arrive at the ancestral house in the countryside left by Alex's father, ready to live in the countryside. Have a vacation here.
    Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, this solitary retreat in the country is nestled between mountains and meadows. While the children are enjoying the fresh air of nature, Vera announces a surprising news to her...
    more about The Banishment Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    Director Andrei Sagintsev's drama debut "Return" won the Golden Lion in Venice, and the world suddenly has a movie talent. The father and son of "Return" were replaced by wives and husbands at this year's Cannes. Lonely love and barriers to communication are themes that the director wants to explore, because of them, misunderstandings and tragedies occur.
    The most striking thing about the film is the picture. Every stroke of nature is...
    more about The Banishment Evaluation action