Train of Life

Train of Life

  • Director: Radu Mihaileanu
  • Writer: Radu Mihaileanu,Moni Ovadia
  • Countries of origin: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Israel, Romania
  • Language: French, German
  • Release date: September 16, 1998
  • Runtime: 1 hour 43 minutes
  • Sound mix: Dolby SR
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Потяг життя
  • "Train de vie" is a love, war movie directed by Radu Mihrow and starring Lionel Abelanski , Rufus , Clément Harari , Michel Muller and others.
    The play tells the story of World War II , when the Germans occupied France, they carried out appalling slaughter and persecution of Jews, which made people panic. After escaping a catastrophe, Schlomer hurried to Schdale, a small village inhabited by Jews, to tell the villagers the news that the German army was coming.


    • Release date September 16, 1998
    • Filming locations Romania
    • Production companies Belfilms, Canal+, Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

    Box office

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    Movie reviews

     ( 11 ) Add reviews

    • By Camden 2022-12-21 00:12:11

      Sadly, the Chinese

      A very awakening reflection on the destruction of Jews in World War II.

      The story tells the tragedy in a comedy way, and the tears after laughter can more awaken the pain.

      The train went all the way to the Holy Land, Israel, longing for a free and safe life, but the most important countries it passed through: Germany, Poland, and Russia, all of which had outstanding records of exterminating Jews in World War II, and they ranked among the top three in extermination of...

    • By Evan 2022-11-07 09:47:39

      Prisoner's van heading to the Holy Land

            Personally, I think that a good movie, like a good short story, is unexpected and reasonable, and you can't taste the deep connotation without seeing it at the end. . .

            In this film, the plot is very absurd, the content is also very absurd, it is very French comedy, and it takes the trouble to show the Jewish nationality, some may be proud, some may be self-deprecating. Endless nagging, such and such incomprehensible little things, accidents that ordinary people's...

    • By Megane 2022-10-17 14:48:46

      Reversal about the end

      Regarding the final reversal of the film, there are two possibilities:

      First, because of his homeland being destroyed, his race was slaughtered by the Nazis, and he had mental problems, he imagined that his village had escaped the disaster by building a train, but in fact none of these things ever existed.

      Second, Schlammer's village made one such migration, but was taken back to Auschwitz by the time they reached the border.

      Personally, I am more inclined to the first...

    • By Elroy 2022-10-15 23:19:12

      train de vie

      The Second World War began, and the whole world was devastated by gunpowder smoke and artillery fire, and the people were trapped in water and fire and struggling. After occupying France, the murderous Nazis began to slaughter the Jews. Schlamo (played by Lionel Abelanski), who was lucky enough to escape from the butcher's knife, had only one thought in his mind at the moment. It is to inform the Jews living in Schdale about all this blood dripping.
      After learning the news, the...

    • By Jacynthe 2022-09-30 14:05:18

      run,chicken run!

      There must be a fatalistic sense of humor in Jewish nature. Watching "The Train Heads to the Holy Land" feels familiar to "The Beautiful Life". A nation has been oppressed and humiliated to the brink of extinction by evil forces, and their sense of humor is like the last matches for those who are lost at night in the forest. The incomprehensible plot, the slightly protracted rhythm, and the slightly abrupt ending all did not detract from my favorable impression of this movie. After all, the...

    User comments

      ( 22 ) Add comments

    • By Ceasar 2023-09-05 10:22:18

      I laughed and cried, it turned out that everything was just an...

    • By Reggie 2023-08-03 15:14:46

      Shadow 20406: Who doesn't want to live? God does not exist, there are people! Imaginary madness, holy places are...

    • By Keegan 2023-07-14 16:33:17

      The film is full of the director's self-deprecation as a Jew. He thought they had escaped the clutches of the Nazis happily, but in the end, he found that the director made a big joke to all the audience. This is just a happy fantasy of a Jew in a concentration camp. There are tears in laughter. (Can't help but write so much, good...

    • By Rebeka 2023-07-09 04:48:43

      God piece. The absurd presents a realistic theme, and it seems to be a story of escape, but it actually explores the topics between and within social groups in a deeper...

    • By Jennyfer 2023-05-22 11:17:36

      The plot is full of coincidences, humane and witty, showing the mentality of the Jews at that time, and seeing that it turned out to be just a fantasy in a Nazi concentration camp in the end is very...

    Movie plot

    In 1941, a small town boy ran to the villagers foolishly and shouted: "The Nazis are coming!" For a while, people were panicking, and he had a plan. It was better to pretend to be the Nazis, jump on the train, and claim to be heading for the concentration camp. flee to another country. The train and his party were startled. The German army stopped the road twice to pick up the investigation. Fortunately, one time they crossed the sea,...
    more about Train of Life Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    When I first saw this film, it was an incomplete version. The final ending was the train heading for freedom on the border between the two countries. Today I watched it again, and the ending was the confession of a madman. The madman is telling all this in a concentration camp wearing prison uniforms through barbed wire. Could it be that everything is a madman's fantasy, everything is a dreamy journey from the madman's mind, and the...
    more about Train of Life Evaluation action