Wives and Daughters

Wives and Daughters

  • Director:
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom, United States
  • Language: English, French, Amharic
  • Release date: December 15, 2002
  • Runtime: 5 hours 1 minute
  • Sound mix: Stereo
  • Aspect ratio: 1.33 : 1
  • Also known as: 錦繡佳人
  • "Wives and Daughters" is a Feature film directed by Nicholas Layton and starring Justine Waddell and others .
    Adapted from Elizabeth Gaskell's posthumous work of the same name, the film tells the story of アモーレ and his father, Mr. Gibson, who was a country doctor, for many years.


    • Release date December 15, 2002
    • Filming locations Levens Hall, Levens, Cumbria, England, UK
    • Production companies British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Dune Films, WGBH

    Movie reviews

     ( 19 ) Add reviews

    • By Makayla 2022-12-17 00:55:54

      from wet shirt jokes

      This story tells us:

      1. With conditions, we have to create wet shirts, without conditions, we have to create wet shirts under a rain.
      2. Men must be careful when they marry their wives, otherwise it will lead to a drama.
      3. The story of dog blood has been around since ancient times. In the second half of the last episode, the girl pig and the boy pig are all full of fire, and they will stumble and fail to communicate with each other. Of course, everything can be said with...

    • By Greyson 2022-12-12 10:53:17

      humble and noble

      Whether it is "humble" or "noble", it is presented to the public as a "sacrifice" mentality.

                                                     ——The type of women like


      can be found everywhere in the entire classical literature and movies. They are undoubtedly vanity, like the new and dislike the old, etc. Most women have criticisms, and hidden behind this dark psychology should be women's inferiority complex. In the film, Cynthia said to Jasmine, "Poverty...

    • By Jana 2022-12-10 22:20:20

      It's useless to be affectionate, but it's frivolous

             Compared to the bluntness of North and South where you can guess from the beginning to the end, "Beautiful Lady" is a real torture for the arrogant mind-set like me: Osborne is not a prodigal son and Cynthia is not. Not being flirtatious, Preston didn't seduce Cynthia to run away (and you'll find Preston more attractive than Roger in the middle and back of the story), Lady Harriet didn't have an emotional entanglement with either of the two brothers, even Molly's stepmother Not the...

    • By Joanny 2022-12-01 02:40:04


      This movie kept me watching for 4 hours straight. A lot of reasons, like, it's a BBC work, it's in the UK, in Sussex, where I'm familiar, but more importantly, I like the jasmine in it.

      While watching, I felt that she was what I aspired to, what I wanted to be, and the direction I had to work towards. Just like her, she is strong, brave, wise, and thoughtful. At the same time, she is so caring, trustworthy, and forbearing. She can hide her emotions, not emotional, and always be...

    • By Golden 2022-11-30 08:51:14

      pure feeling

      Recently, I have compared the BBC's costume films, and watched FINGERSMITH, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, and then this WIVES AND DAUGHTER. True to its name, the film is very simple, telling the story of the Gilson family, plain and true, and the characters are distinct and not exaggerated. The composition of the personalities of the Gilson family members is exactly the same as that of the Bennet family, a rough but upright father, a snobby but not too bad stepmother, a beautiful and frivolous but a...

    User comments

      ( 23 ) Add comments

    • By Sadye 2023-09-23 06:04:16

      molly is like perfection!! osborne is much better than roger. beauty never lasts. anyway, i like lady harriet the...

    • By Rosendo 2023-09-06 04:22:36

      they could do better on the leading...

    • By Charity 2023-07-29 15:39:58

      came to know Justine Waddell from this mini...and now she's the goddes in my...

    • By Nicolette 2023-06-13 04:18:12

      I actually saw Downton's big cousin fucking and that publisher. . . It means that there are really only a few actors in the UK. ....

    • By Jeromy 2023-05-30 23:06:04

      The emotional drama between the male and female protagonists is important, but the most heartbreaking character is Miss Harriet. Immediately, she is extremely heroic and unrestrained. She takes the initiative to help the heroine solve the...

    Movie plot

    アモーレand her father, Mr. Gibson, who is a country doctor, have been living with each other for many years. アモーレ gradually grew into a flower-like girl. Her father was worried that she would fall in love, so he sent her to visit his old friend Hamley. During the absence of アモーレ, the father who had been widowed for many years suddenly remarried in a flash, and the innocent daughter アモーレ was completely unaware of this. アモーレ's world has...
    more about Wives and Daughters Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    Basically, the reviews say that this is an adaptation that is quite faithful to the original book, but the screenwriter Andrew Davies made some moves at the end. How to say it? W&D is actually the posthumous work of Elizabeth Gaskell. She died before she could finish it. The novel ends with Molly standing silently by the window and watching Roger leave. I think most people should not be able to end this way. Accepted, so Andrew Davies...
    more about Wives and Daughters Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • [to Mr. Preston]

      Cynthia Kirkpatrick: I didn't sell myself. I liked you then, but oh, do I hate you now!

    • Lord Cumnor: I'm sorry I said anything about it now. I'll try to find a more agreeable piece of news.


      Lord Cumnor: Old Marjorie at the lodge is dead.