Kiss the Girls Quotes

  • Kyle Craig: This guy's Houdini squared.

  • Alex Cross: Multiply your anger by about a hundred, Kate, that's how much he thinks he loves you.

  • Kyle Craig: He's Don Juan on one side and Josef Mengele on the other.

  • [Following a suspect on a California highway]

    John Sampson: This does not look like a 7-11 run. Where does this road go?

    Henry Castillo: Vancouver.

  • Det. Davey Skes: Sure picks lookers, doesn't he?

    Alex Cross: Yeah, he does. But you know these women are more than just attractive. They're all extraodinary in some way. Smart, talented.

    Det. Davey Skes: He ain't choosing them just for their congeniality.

    Alex Cross: Ordinarily, they don't, but I think our guy is a little different.

    Detective Nick Ruskin: How so?

    Alex Cross: I think killing's not his ulterior motive. This guy's a collector. I bet these women are alive.

    Det. Davey Skes: Come on, doc. Our boy's brain is soft as a two-minute egg and nothing personal, but I figure every one of them gals is tied to a tree just waiting to get found.

    Alex Cross: Think about it, Sikes. The three you found were killed out of sequence. They weren't even among the first abducted.

    Det. Davey Skes: That's right.

    Detective Nick Ruskin: That don't mean they're not still out there.

    Alex Cross: But you would have found them by now. He makes absolutely no attempt to hide 'em and the way they were killed, very revealing. That last long walk through the woods.

    Kyle Craig: Marching to their fate.

    Alex Cross: Exactly. The rape, cutting off their hair.

    Kyle Craig: It's punishment.

    Alex Cross: Maybe for violating some trust.

  • Kate McTiernan: Somebody help me. My name is Kate! I'm Kate McTiernan! I'm a doctor at the Carolina Regional Medical Center. I need help! I know you can hear me. Come on! Who's out there?

    [starts crying]

    Kate McTiernan: Somebody help. My name is Kate McTiernan. Somebody talk to me! Who is out there?

    [many young women begin to speak]

    Naomi Cross: My name is Naomi Cross. I've been here for 8 days, I think.

  • Kate McTiernan: Hello, I'm Kate McTiernan. First, I'd like to say something to the families who have a loved one missing. Please, do not give up hope. There are other women where I was held and I believe in my heart that they are still alive. Second, to the boys who fished me out of the river and saved my life, and to the nurses and doctors here who are taking such excellent care of me, and for the thousands of letters and prayers I've recieved from all across America, thank you. And last, to the man who calls himself Casanova. The man who took me from my own home and ultimately tried to kill me. I broke your rules, just me. None of the other women helped. So if you're looking for someone to blame, blame me. That's all I have to say right now. Thank you for taking my message to the families of the missing and I hope it helps a little bit. Thank you.

  • Kate McTiernan: You're going out there on your own.

    Alex Cross: I got people.

    Kate McTiernan: Take me with you.

    Alex Cross: I think you're best served by staying here right now.

    Kate McTiernan: And pretend like nothing's happened?

    Alex Cross: No. No, that's not what I was going to say. I just think you should be trying...

    Kate McTiernan: Dr. Cross, I'm the only person who's seen this guy. I know his size, I know his voice. I know the way he moves.

    Alex Cross: Kate, I know how you feel, honestly.

    Kate McTiernan: Would you please stop treating me like I'm a victim? You think I'm some kind of tourist in all this because I wasn't raped? Every night when I go to sleep, I hear those women's voices. You want to save your niece? Well, guess what. So do I.

  • Alex Cross: Got something for you.

    [shows Naomi a violin]

    Alex Cross: Ta-da!

    Naomi Cross: What happened to the strings?

    Alex Cross: New strings for new music.

    Naomi Cross: Thank you.

  • Nick Ruskin: How are you feeling, by the way? You feel like you're getting back on your feet?

    Kate McTiernan: I guess if I felt solid anywhere it should be in this house. I've been in it one way or another my whole life. It was my great aunt's. But I don't know. It's just different now. Something's off. I used to walk in the middle of the night down to the corner market for a quart of milk.

    Nick Ruskin: That's true. I mean, people just get complacent. It happens.

    Kate McTiernan: Would you please hand me the big chopping knife.

    Nick Ruskin: The department gives courses of self-defense.

    Kate McTiernan: I've been thinking about spending more time at the dojo.

    Nick Ruskin: Kick boxing's fine, but that's not what I mean. I'm talking prevention. We teach things like, uh, varying your routine. Keeping your lights on at night. Maybe getting a dog. I'm sorry. Does this bother you?

    Kate McTiernan: It's good. I need to hear it.

    Nick Ruskin: Just simple things like, um, carrying personal alarms. Taking your garbage out the morning of. Not using cordless phones. Anyone with a scanner can listen in.

    Kate McTiernan: What does taking your garbage out the morning of have to do with anything?

    Nick Ruskin: Night before, anyone can tear through it.

    Kate McTiernan: Who in the world possibly cares how much tuna I eat?

    [hands Nick the knife]

    Kate McTiernan: Would you rinse this for me, please?

    Nick Ruskin: Think about it. A guy could come by, say, Tuesday night, 3 in the morning, dump your trash in one of those 30-gallon plastic sacks. Haul it down to an abandoned lot and bingo! There it is. What a lady eats, how often she shaves. He can even tell a lady's time of the month. Anything you want to know. What kind of lipstick she wears, and used condoms. How often's she gettin' it? Twice a week? Three times? The same guy, different guys?

    [losing accent]

    Nick Ruskin: Of course, that doesn't apply to you. Let's face it. In your case, it's been quite awhile. Not since that, that surgeon. What? Six, seven months ago? You were special, Kate. Do you have any idea how much time I gave you? Months. Yes, months. I sacrificed for you, but now I'm going to show you sacrifice. What are you going to do? Are you going to cut me? Do it!

    [Kate cuts Nick's stomach]

    Nick Ruskin: Good girl.

  • Alex Cross: Don't do it, Nick.

    Kate McTiernan: Alex.

    Alex Cross: Let's talk about it, okay? You want to put the lighter down, Nick? Please?

    Nick Ruskin: She has to know.

    Alex Cross: She knows, Nick.

    Nick Ruskin: Then why don't you shoot me?

    Alex Cross: Ah, I don't think so. Muzzle flare, room full of gas, all that, you know? Look, Nick I'm gonna put the gun down. Look, see? There now. How's that? I want you to think about this, Nick. If you do this, no one will ever understand.

    Nick Ruskin: Oh, don't mindfuck me!

    Alex Cross: No, I'm not, Nick.

    Nick Ruskin: See, Kate? It's all about building rapport. You use the subject's first name, and your tone, you gotta keep it soft and steady.

    Alex Cross: Establish eye contact, seek his level.

    Nick Ruskin: You wanna know the truth, Alex? You're the one who really needs help.

    Alex Cross: Well, enlighten me, Nick. Tell me what the truth is.

    Nick Ruskin: Truth is looking at a beautiful woman, like our Kate here, and saying to yourself, I gotta have that. I gotta break her down. It's your basest animal self. Dig deep, Alex. You'll recognize him. He's ugly.

    Alex Cross: I've run into him now and then.

    Nick Ruskin: Go ahead. Reach for the Glock and take me down before I tell you about the 10 days I spent with Naomi. 10 days, Doc. Things she'd never tell you. My brown sugar, face like an angel. Perfect, every inch of her. You never knew Naomi. Not like I did. Deep down, you envy me that. Say it.

    Alex Cross: I don't work like you. I don't, hate.

    Nick Ruskin: You only wish you had the courage. Good night, sweet Kate.

    [Alex shoots and kills Nick through a carton of Milk before he can kill Kate]

    Alex Cross: Kate. It's all right, Kate.

  • Dianne Wainford: What sort of policeman are you?

    Alex Cross: I'm a forensic psychologist. It's a fancy way of saying I'm a guy who walks into a room like that and determines the hows and whys.

  • Kate McTiernan: [Kate is under hypnosis, reliving her escape from Casanova] I hear him, whispering.

    Alex Cross: [about Casanova] What does he say?

    Kate McTiernan: I can feel his mouth on my ear, his breath. He tells me that he loves me.

    Alex Cross: Tell me about his face. Tell me about his eyes. His mouth.

    Kate McTiernan: [Kate's breathing begins to quicken] He has no face. A mask! He always wears a mask!

    Alex Cross: What kind of mask? What does it look like?

    Kate McTiernan: [her breathing slows] It changes. I can't show him that I hate him.

    Alex Cross: But you escape. What do you see when you escape?

    Kate McTiernan: I don't know. I'm just running. And my legs... are heavy from the drugs. And I'm lost. I'm running through hallways and there are all these rooms, I don't know where to turn!

    [becomes panicked, starts to cry]

    Kate McTiernan: He's behind me!

    Alex Cross: He's not behind you Kate, you get away. How? How do you get out?

    Kate McTiernan: [Kate's breathing is becoming more rapid, as she becomes more panicked] Light. Light! The light and the sun.

    Alex Cross: Do you see a barn?

    Kate McTiernan: No!

    Alex Cross: A house?

    Kate McTiernan: No! No! There's nothing! Just the light. It hurts my eyes. And then the trees, the trees again.

    [starts to sob, and begins to hyperventilate]

    Kate McTiernan: And the rocks are digging into my feet! And I hear him, shouting behind me, and I try to run faster! That's all I'm thinking: just run faster!

    [begins sobbing uncontrollably, gasping for breath]

    Kate McTiernan: And I left those girls behind! I wasn't thinking, I just told myself to run, to run, run!

    Alex Cross: [Alex reaches out to comfort Kate] It's all right, it's all right.

    Kate McTiernan: [through sobs] I left those girls!

  • Casanova: You could have been the best Kate. I may be going crazy here, didn't I warn you about breaking the rules?

    Kate McTiernan: [whiny] I'm sorry.

    Casanova: [mimicking Kate] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

    Kate McTiernan: I'll do anything you want.

    Casanova: What? What did you say?

    Kate McTiernan: I said I'll do anything you want.

    Casanova: Oh, I know you will.

  • Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: Naomi, play us something triumphant, something worthy of rebirth. Play something for me.


    Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: Play!

    Casanova: NO! She plays for me.

    Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: She only plays for you? Well of course she does! Because you are the great lover!

    [pulls a blade from his pocket and walks towards Naomi]

    Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: The dark figure of her dreams!

    [to Naomi]

    Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: Come on darlin. Tell him.

    [puts blade to her throat]

    Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: Tell him how grateful you are. Tell him how you always wanted to be his. Go on tell him. Tell him how you wait for him. Tell him how he's the most sensitive

    [kisses her]

    Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: , the best you ever had

    [kisses her again]

    Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: . Tell him that you love him, thats what he wants to hear.

  • Casanova: Face it Will, I'm your mentor. And you're the bad seed.

  • Dr. William 'Will' Rudolph: [to Casanova] Don't forget who we are, and who you'll be if I'm gone. You could have a hundred women down here, but without me, you'd still be alone.

  • Nick Ruskin: [while driving through college campus] We've liaisoned with the campus police, posted fliers. Figure someone had to see somethin' important.

    Alex Cross: An environment fit for blending. For you a security nightmare. For him, paradise.

    Nick Ruskin: We're gonna get this animal.

  • [Kate wakes up slowly, whines in pain]

    Casanova: I got all the glass out. Everything you need to change the dressing is right next to you. Can you hear me?

    Kate McTiernan: Systemic analgesic, what did you give ne?

    Casanova: That's one of the reasons I picked you Kate. Your intellegence. I appreciate that. I know most men don't, can't. I'm different. You'll see that in time.

    [sighs, walks towards her]

    Casanova: Now try not to go back to sleep. I have to tell you the rules.

    Kate McTiernan: [shudders, cries out] Why am I here?

    Casanova: You're here to fall in love, to experience love. But now I need you to listen very carefully, and take what I say very seriously, alright? Don't try to escape. Don't cry out for help. And do not try any of your kickboxing

    [Kate begins to cry, Casanoza reaches for a syringe]

    Casanova: Now I'll do what I can to help you not break these rules, but if you do Kate, you will really disappoint me.

    [gives Kate a shot]

    Casanova: See. That didn't hurt did it? Don't worry. You're with Casanova.

  • Kate McTiernan: [crying] What do you want from me?

    Casanova: Everything.

  • Alex Cross: How long has this been on the Bureau's wish list?

    Kyle Craig: A while.

    Alex Cross: Were the other two tied up so extravagantly?

    Kyle Craig: Yeah. The guy seems to find square knots tedious. You saw it's Dayton cordage, 7 gauge.

    Alex Cross: Yeah. America's favorite. I suppose everything else was too prolific to trace.

    Kyle Craig: Guy's a pro. A real student of the game, and an enthusiastic rapist. First two postmortems indicate vaginal tears like I've seldom seen, inflicted hours before death. And then that's it. No prints or fibers. No semen or hair.

    Alex Cross: Except what he cut off her.

  • Alex Cross: What about cause of death?

    Kyle Craig: There are no signs of torture, no weight loss, no drugging. He just ties 'em up and leaves 'em for the critters.

    Alex Cross: A real student of the game.

    Kyle Craig: And he likes to play.

  • Alex Cross: I made an interesting discovery last night.

    Kate McTiernan: About what?

    Alex Cross: I ran a check on all the Sistol orders over the last five years. Guess what.

    Kate McTiernan: What?

    Alex Cross: A Beverly Hills plastic surgeon came up on the list.

    Kate McTiernan: There's no protocol for Sistol in plastic surgery.

    Alex Cross: Bingo. Two years ago, this guy ordered enough to treat leukemia in a medium-sized country.

    Kate McTiernan: What's his name?

    Alex Cross: Rudolph. William Rudolph. Grew up in Durham. Did his pre-med work here.

    Kate McTiernan: Dr. Cross, is it him? Is he bicostal?

    Alex Cross: Bicostal. That's an interesting way of putting it.

  • Alex Cross: There are about a dozen predators operating in California now. There's one; male Caucasian, probably early thirties. He's known as the Gentleman Caller. They've been onto him for over a year. And what I realized last night was that his abductions, they follow the ones here by about ten days to two weeks. Matter of fact, it was exactly ten days after Naomi disappeared that a pretty black coed disappeared from UCLA.

    Kate McTiernan: So he's doing it there, too.

    Alex Cross: Compulsively. And if he follows true to form, he's due to hit California pretty quick.

    Kate McTiernan: Can the FBI pick him up?

    Alex Cross: If I give Rudolph to the FBI and they make one mistake, what happens to all these girls? I can't risk Naomi starving to death in a cell somewhere. No FBI.

  • John Sampson: Well, this is a surprise.

    Alex Cross: Time was surprises made you giddy, John. What's the matter?

    John Sampson: Look, we're out on a limb here. Now, I've pulled every string. I've called in ten years of favors to get those cars and equipment. This thing has got to go as smooth as silk or we are both fucked.

  • TV Reporter: [outside Randolph's cabin in the woods] Yes, shocking is an accurate way to describe what went on here in the early morning hours. Local police won't comment, but Channel 6 sources tell us that what happened here in the pre-dawn hours...

    Kate McTiernan: [tending to Alex's wounds] Does this hurt?

    TV Reporter: ...reaches beyond Southern California. And some say involves a rogue branch of the FBI.

    Alex Cross: They sure can document a fuck-up at the speed of light.

  • Alex Cross: Gone in the night.

    Kate McTiernan: At least now the FBI know who they're looking for. How far can he run?

    Alex Cross: It's not a question of how far. It's how long.