Survive Style 5+ Quotes

  • Hitman: What is your function in life?

  • Tatsuya Kobayashi: Po.

  • Aman's wife: [mouthed out] Bye-Bye.

  • Hitman: [to Stewardess] Don't think too hard about it. Why don't you just follow your instincts, and give me an answer, NOW.

    [begins to count down from ten]

  • Kazama - Advertising Company President: [the President takes a phone call from his wife during a board meeting] Yeah. Yeah.

    Kazama - Advertising Company President: [He looks shocked] What?

    Kazama - Advertising Company President: The bathroom light is out?

Extended Reading
  • Claudie 2022-04-22 07:01:59

    Japanese can also be said to be a multi-stage movie of a perverted system. The director has a strong ability to control, and it is messy but not chaotic. It is worth watching. Inviting Vinnie Jones seems to be bringing in a little Guy Ritchie as well.

  • Lexie 2022-04-16 09:01:09

    All the bizarre dreams and neurotic imaginations, all the colorful and jerky mix and match, together show the 5 styles of survive, many small places are very interesting, and the love of detail control. It's really not easy for Kishibe to act, as for Miura Yukazu, he's so fat =. =