Wish Dragon Quotes

  • Long: Din!

    [looks around in confusion]

    Long: Whats happening?

    Pipa God: Welcome Longzhu.

    Long: What's going on? Where am I?

    Pipa God: Congratulations! Your service as a Wish Dragon is complete.

    Long: Complete? But I haven't finished, I haven't finished my tenth master!

    Pipa God: You have put the needs of another before yourself, and shown us that you understand the meaning of life. You are now free to enter the spirit world

    [Spirite world doors open and trumpets sound and confetti sticks to Long]

    Long: Is that... a parade?


    Pipa God: In your honor.

    Long: No no no! I can't! I have to go back!

    Pipa God: Back?

    Long: Turn me back into a Wish Dragon, I have one more wish to grant!

    Pipa God: Th-that's ridiculous, the laws of heaven forbid it.

    Long: You're ridiculous! You're an old man in a skirt!

    Pipa God: This isn't a skirt!

    Long: Send me back!

    Pipa God: [Pipa God plays his instrument and the doors to the spirit world close and the parade disappears behind them] You dare reject the will of the Gods?

    Long: Fine, if you won't send me back, I'll do it myself!

    [Starts digging into the clouds]

    Pipa God: Stop that!

    Long: [Continues to dig into the clouds] Stupid clouds! Ah!

    Pipa God: Stop! Stop that this instant!

    Long: Ah! My friend needs me!

    Pipa God: Fine! We will permit you to return, but only under one condition.

Extended Reading
  • Rosalind 2022-04-04 09:01:08

    This movie is surprisingly good. Regardless of style or plot. Who will laugh when Si Qi becomes Si Cong, haha.

  • Kelli 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    Mainlanders can look neither at believable (or glorified) stories of exotic appearances, nor at low-level, nonsense stories that seem familiar, and it is unexpectedly through this model. Like "Flying to the Moon", the Chinese members of the American team produced a strong and original Chinese life; the same problem: lack of innovation, weak imagination in the details of actions and pictures, energy only used in the main line, not as full as American animated films Background information and side stories. Because of this bug, I want to give it two stars. But my dad's phone call and the dragon and lion fight are super exciting, and the peak of the conflict is actually the separation of the rich and the poor. ), which moved people. A happy ending is actually achieved by impermanent life encounters, but it is more credible than a love that does not conform to human nature, so it is more reassuring and warm.