still babbling

Nikolas 2022-11-25 12:07:10

Woody Allen's films are still rambles about what he thinks of himself, whether it's what he thinks is right to sing in the shower, or the idiot he said at the end.

The tones are warm and strong, very similar to Paris at midnight. Someone said that people are old and need this warm color as beautiful as dusk to maintain a sense of psychological security. Personally, I prefer Woody Allen's physical aging. Feeling sluggish.

Woody Allen is still very venomous in the film, and can ramble on so many things, it really doesn't look like someone his age.

Looking at the funny father in the Nazi concentration camp in Beautiful Life, although I can see the marks left on his face by the years, his enthusiasm for acting is still undiminished.

In short, compared with Midnight Paris, although there are many scenic spots in the film, there is no such thing as Midnight Paris that emphasizes that this scenic spot has appeared before so-and-so. Looking at these sights, I occasionally flash back to the scene in 2008 when I ran rampant with my friends in Rome, and some small things keep flashing back. There is an illusion of going back in time.

In short, if Midnight in Paris gives three stars, Love in Rome is definitely a movie that can be recommended for four stars.

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Extended Reading

To Rome with Love quotes

  • John: A year with her, she would've had you free fall parachuting and adopting Burmese orphans.

  • John: John: And you buy into her bullshit because she seems to know all the right things to say. She knows names, she knows buzzwords, she knows certain cultural phrases that imply that she knows more than she does.