Greyhound | Yesterday, Today, Forever

Elmore 2022-04-23 07:02:31

The movie is almost a one-man show for Tom Hanks. As a professional captain, the captain, captain, soldier, etc., Tang Hans can completely hold it.

There are a lot of professional terms in the story, allowing us to appreciate the unique charm of naval warfare. It's okay for a layman to watch the excitement, and the whole process can't stop at all.

In naval battles, the commander's wisdom and determination are particularly important, and one decision can almost determine the life and death of the entire crew. In the movie, many lives and deaths are not deliberately enlarged, which is probably the intention of Tom Hans. A large number of ships were sunk, and by the time of Townhans, only one casualty figure remained. This cold reality is just like the damn weather.

Surrounded by wolves, Tom Hans hardly eats, but the caring cook will always remind him at the right time.

This constant repetition is quite meaningful. This is the bloody battle that is the closest to Tanghans.

The whole story unfolded in the icy environment of the Atlantic Ocean, and it was not until the end that Tang Hans saw the long-lost sunshine.

There are many comments on the Internet that the story is too small to give people more reflections like "The Soldier", maybe it's just that Tom Hans didn't think about repeating the old way of "The Soldier" at all.

The war brought many "little people" to the battlefield, and their helplessness was written in Tom Hans' heart.

If it weren't for the persistence of belief, probably no one would be willing to walk into the wolf's den almost "unarmed".

Perhaps, it is not those high-profile fearless who can infect people.

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Extended Reading

Greyhound quotes

  • Gray Wolf: [on radio] Greyhound, good luck surviving the night.