To live, you must have a view of life. There are many opinions on this.

Doris 2022-04-22 07:01:32

Citizen Section Chief Kanji Watanabe has worked hard for 30 years without asking for a day off, but he can hardly be called conscientious. In order to protect the position and dare not act, life is passing by looking at the watch. Disqualified in the world, living is like death.
When the protagonist finally realizes that time is short, the fear of death and the desire to live, Watanabe can no longer waste time. So first seek comfort from relatives, but disappointment is not taken seriously. Facing the photo of his deceased wife, he fantasizes about the love of his son for several decades. Lonely and confused.
To live or to perish, that is the question. Knowing that death is imminent, but unable to repose the meaning of this life, then talk about the waste of money that has no meaning, and make up for the wasted life.
Why do people live? Indulgence is not the right solution, singing with tears, but even more tired. Life is hopeless, life is meaningless.
Meeting with girls, complaining and laughing; timidly despising his son, scolding him as if he was wrong, and being shocked. Renewal girls, if they are young and healthy, will finally be reborn in their minds.
Watanabe facilitated the construction of canals and gardens, and died.
Colleagues wake up and talk to spend the night. Arguing over the merits, guessing why Watanabe's temperament has changed drastically. Everyone flashed back to the memories of Mumu's construction of the garden, and was moved by his courage to move forward without turning back.
Generosity and blood are ultimately defeated by personal interests, and everything in the department is business as usual.
"If you only have half a year left, what are you going to do? We will die too, life is so short.
The government offends people in everything they do, so they can only pretend to do things and fill them with documents like a garbage can.
Thirty years for the son, but not for understanding Use work to
support the body, treat the garden like a child, and be fearless of death.
If you want comfort and redemption and peace of mind, don't hope for the outside world."
"Life きる" 1952, Supervised by Akira Kurosawa, scripted by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto, Kokuni Hero, starring Shimura Bridge and Chiaki. It won the first place in the top ten categories of "Movie Xunbao" that year, and was selected into 200 Japanese business cards. It was regarded as the most classic black movie by Spielberg.

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Ikiru quotes

  • Kanji: What have I been living for all these years?

  • Kanji: It's just that I've been such a fool. I'm just so mad at myself. Until a few days ago I had never even bought myself a drink. It's only now that I don't know how much longer I have to live that I've finally begun.

    Novelist: I understand. I understand. But drinking now is plain crazy. Besides, does it even taste good?

    Kanji: No, it doesn't. But for a little while I can forget my cancer and all the other painful things.