bright star

Godfrey 2022-04-21 09:03:34

A long tragic poem about ideals and the world, about love, love or embarrassment, every moment of sincerity and tenderness, the Chinese and English versions of the two poems of the bright star and the nightingale! A long tragic poem about ideals and the world Poems, all about love, love or embarrassment, every moment of sincerity and tenderness, the Chinese and English versions of two poems of the bright star and the nightingale! A long sad poem about ideals and worldliness, about love, love or embarrassment Everything, the sincerity and tenderness of every moment, the Chinese and English versions of the two poems of the bright star and the nightingale! A long sad poem about ideals and the world, about love, love or embarrassment, every moment of sincerity and tenderness, The Chinese and English versions of the two poems Ode to the Bright Star and the Nightingale! A long tragic poem about ideals and worldliness, about love, love or embarrassment, every moment of sincerity and tenderness, Ode to the Bright Star and the Nightingale Two poems Chinese and English version! A long sad poem about ideals and worldliness, about love, love or embarrassment, the sincerity and tenderness of every moment, the Chinese and English versions of the two poems of Bright Star and Ode to the Nightingale!

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Extended Reading
  • Kassandra 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    My love you are the bright star.

  • Lexi 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    THOMAS SANGSTER, who always plays soy sauce in famous movies, please grow up quickly! ! ! Hurry up and replace Dr. 11th! ! We love you! ! ! ! !

Bright Star quotes

  • John Keats: Touch has a memory.

    Fanny Brawne: I know it.

  • Charles Armitage Brown: Uh, Mr. Keats is composing and does not want disturbing.

    Fanny Brawne: It's my finding, in the business of disturbing, you're the expert.

    Mrs. Brawne: Fanny, why not speak to one of us you hold in higher favor?

    Fanny Brawne: I'm praising him!