Bookstore, see you in three years

Milo 2022-04-19 09:03:15

I know it in 2018, but I can't use vpn. Now you can watch it on Youku. I'm pleasantly surprised.

Oh Old House Bookstore, how beautiful red and green, brick walls and green plants. I saw love and courage, kindness and perseverance; I saw the filth of power, using power to do whatever they want; I saw Bill's wisdom, as a book lover's sympathy, how, how I hope that kind people can be beautiful forever Life, they communicate together, read together.

This skirt, that's garnet, not red

The suit from the movie stills really goes well with the bookstore. I just like bookstores like reading, and I like this still, and I think it's my favorite, and I've been thinking about it all the time.

The following are the heroine's clothes and bedding, retro small table lamps, all of them are very beautiful.

bed reading retro lamp
to meet!

Understanding makes one's mind lazy, I'm listening to it for the first time. Start to get confused. It is because of understanding that it may be comforting, and it is unwilling to think independently, so the thinking is lazy.

But I also feel that communication produces wisdom. Really understand, don't give up self-thinking, communicate with each other, and you will collide with more good ideas!

Understanding makes people lazy

Bill admires the heroine's courage the most and is deeply impressed. Therefore, reading is also to have more courage to face life.

The original sound is horrible thoughts, and then I can't help but applaud Bill's sharp point of view. It was just his own encouragement, the truth was that Bill had seen through the vicious face mocking the reality.

I also like the packaged version of Lolita avocado.

Ah, the meeting at the seaside, the kiss on the back of the hand, everything is said without words. Compassionate each other. I wish they could be there forever.

The reality is so cruel, my own hard work and love. Can't keep it after all.

I feel as if I really hate power.

Be strong, courageous, persistent, and accept suffering. Protect your heart.

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Extended Reading
  • Krystal 2022-04-03 09:01:12

    The dark tide that seems to be calm is so dark

  • Linnie 2022-04-10 09:01:08

    Ray Bradbury star for this Lolita 451 ending

The Bookshop quotes

  • Edmund Brundish: In the case of biographies, it's better, I find, if they're about good people, whereas novels are much more interesting if they are about nasty people.

  • Christine: My elder sister spends all of her time with Charlie Cutts. In fact, on my way over here, I saw their bikes hidden under the fallen leaves over by the crossroads. You won't have any trouble like that with me, though. Those things aren't happening to me yet. And I find boys to be repulsive.