Adapted from real events...

Lacy 2022-01-18 08:03:01

A movie is marked "adapted from real events" at the beginning, which usually greatly enhances the persuasiveness and shock of the story. Every audience will no longer think about the rationality of the plot and the reality of the characters, because everything is true. of.

The "real adaptation" movie that left me the deepest impression was "Rwanda Hotel". After watching it, I always thought that in 1994, under the same time and space, I grew up happily at home and school, but another place Countless innocent people were brutally killed by ethnic hatred and competition for interests. There may also be a child as old as me who didn't understand anything like me. When I was playing games with my classmates, he was shot or burned to death, maybe he didn't even wail. I can't think about it, I can't think about it, it makes my stomach cramp, and there is a hint of despair.

In contrast, the shock of the film is much weaker. I think it’s because the performance of the protagonist and the main plot is narrower, and everyone’s attention is focused on one event. I can’t help but fall into the feelings of one or two individuals, and ignore how much this crime is in the local area. Common and rampant. Moreover, the film lacks a sense of time. In watching it, it feels like another real story made up by Hollywood. Only the photos interspersed in the film make us feel that this is not just a story, so we can think about the real reason behind it.

The story reveals that the government ignores the lives of women workers in order to obtain cheap labor and huge profits. It makes people feel indignant and puzzled: Can a senator cover the sky with just one hand? Is the free trade agreement between the United States and Central America really the root cause of this evil not being contained? Can't solve it? Can you only rely on a few individuals with a conscience?

However, Lopez's performance in the film is quite good. The image of a capable and brave reporter is more credible. The memories of the female reporter's encounter in the film also enrich the image of the protagonist and add more personal reasons to her behavior. , Rather than a boring sense of American justice.

The film did not deliberately highlight Lopez’s beauty and sexy. It used a neutral shirt to cover Jennifer’s body. Sometimes it looked a little bloated, but it also made everyone’s appreciation no longer on her beautiful breasts and buttocks. Jennifer can be seen. I want to leave a deep movie. The vase of light comedy is boring for a long time, welcome jennifer to have more changes in the future!

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Extended Reading
  • Larissa 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    "If you want to kill a woman, come to Juarez", the reality is a hundred times scarier than the story

  • Asa 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    This film is related to "Backyard"

Bordertown quotes

  • Lauren Adrian: It isn't free trade! It's slave trade! It's a goddamn scam, and everybody is making too much money to give a shit about these women!

  • Eva Jimenez: [putting a Mexican flower clip in Lauren's newly-dyed black hair] Now you look like me.