silhouette under war

Freda 2022-12-15 20:42:19

The beginning is the clouds in the sky, and the back is the female protagonist who is close, walking with her family on the beach of the sea. I don't know the background of this story. When the name of Hiroshima appeared, I understood that it was a war, and the time was still in 1944. , a year before the atomic bomb was dropped, which seems to be the opposite of the status quo of serenity and peace. Later, I saw a young girl who loves to paint and stay in a daze. She became strong because of reality and lived an optimistic life. Her husband kept giving her courage, and the people she met again made her understand life. Even though, the battle for her daughter, with short hair, left only a broken coat. She has experienced a breakdown, can't hear any sound, wants to hug her husband, hands intertwined on her back, never let go, countless beautiful life clips are interspersed, in the movie she is used to express her paintings, the power of moving is any image What I can't touch, painting, can reveal people's emotions, that kind of belief, we must work hard to live, she told herself. Back in Hiroshima, the hometown, turned into ruins, people experienced hardships and fell victim to the struggle between nations. "If only she won, this kind of thing won't happen. That's all, she stared at the land she stepped on when she was a child, in a daze, came a child, it was messy, had dinner with her, took her with her When she got to the station, her husband didn't say a word and took her home. As usual, she ate. She was very dirty and had to take a bath. The movie was over, and the screen showed how the child grew up.

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