"Old Void" version of Godzilla (movie review, GODZILLA)

Paxton 2022-12-16 22:58:36

When "Warrior of Love" Xu Yuanxuan meets "Super Monster" Godzilla, what kind of spark will there be between them? Will there be a wonderful chemical reaction? Can you welcome fans? Let's wait and see.

Japanese anime "GODZILLA" (the first part of the trilogy)

Genre: Science Fiction

Dubbing main actors: Sakaki (voiced by Miyano Mamoru), Medfis (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai), Gu (voiced by Hanazawa Coriander)...

Story Overview: Battle for Earth (Humans VS Godzilla)

Release Date: Released in Japan on November 17, 2017

After a year and a half (2016 Anno Hideaki version of "New Godzilla"), another "Godzilla" appeared on the big screen. What is the quality of this sci-fi animation masterpiece by Xu Yuanxuan , let us analyze it in detail.

I, Lao Xu x Godzilla

Xu Yuanxuan: Japanese playwright, known as "The Warrior of Love" (this "love" is not the other "love", but "the love of the heart"), his representative works include "Saya's Song", "Fate/Zero", Magical Girl Madoka...

Godzilla: Super Monster, the most famous monster image in movie history, is one of the famous Japanese "pop culture" symbols. Since the 1950s, there have been more than 30 "Godzilla" series...

Lao Xu holds hands with monsters and joins forces to create the most abusive, violent and interesting Godzilla movie of the year.

II, Shizuno Kobun x Seshita Hiroyuki

Kofumi Shizuno: Supervising the first season of "Knights of Sidonia"

Hiroyuki Seshita: Superintendent of Season 2 of "Demijin" series, "Blame", "Knights of Sidonia"

The two joined hands again, making fans wonder whether this new version of "Godzilla" will become a replica of "Knight of Sidonia", is this another frantic "heart abuse" journey? Hehe...bingo!

The picture of "abuse of the heart" + the routine of "Secondary" = GODZILLA

III, Miyano Mamoru x Sakurai Takahiro x Hanazawa Coriander

The voice actors of this work are all big names. From this point of view, it is enough to prove the popularity of "Godzilla" in the island country. The addition of super seiyuu not only adds to the work, but also makes the fans (seiyuu fans) scream. Such a luxurious lineup is really "salivating".

IV, Storyline x Movie Trend

Rigorous and meticulous storyline

Since this work is the first in a trilogy, the story has not yet entered the topic. The images of the first hour are all explaining the background of the story (the cause and effect), "why escape the earth", "what is the immigrant group", "why return to the earth again"... These seemingly inexplicable plots are actually It is a routine played by the screenwriter, intending to induce the audience to follow their ideas into the "Old Xu" version of the Godzilla movie.

All in all, the significance of this work is to throw a piece of the puzzle into the action, to help the audience sort out the clues of the story, and to make it easier for fans to quickly enter the play. It is the "prologue" of a standard mode!

Clear, unambiguous video trends

After waiting for nearly 70 minutes, the absolute protagonist of the film, Godzilla (not the "little" Godzilla who was killed in front of him), made his debut in shock. A fury, a tail flick, and a series of rolling continuous blows directly After the explosion of the male protagonist team, so far, the film came to an end with Sakaki's roar.

I believe that many viewers will silently shake their heads and say nothing when they see this ending. For an anime theatrical version, this ending is obviously not charming enough, but! If we look at it as the first part of the "trilogy", this ending can be said to be reasonable.

①The ins and outs of the story are explained in an orderly manner

② Established the next direction of the story

③Godzilla appeared at the end of the film, which whetted the audience's appetite and attracted endless fantasies about the follow-up plot.

Write at the end. As a loyal fan of "Lao Xu", the author is very optimistic about the trend of the following two works, and believes that Xu Yuanxuan's creative ability is worthy of our waiting and expectation.

Supervision ★★★☆☆ (wait and see, wait until the last two are online to comment together)

Voice actor ★★★★★ (as always high level)

Plot ★★★☆☆ (The first part of the trilogy, pure foreshadowing, the real protagonist Godzilla only showed his face at the last moment, the key points are in the latter two)

Visual effects ★★★★☆ (The texture of the picture is good, the details are very attentive, that is, the little Godzilla looks a bit rigid)

Sound effects ★★★☆☆ (OST is average, ED is the highlight)

Recommendation ★★★★☆ ("Godzilla" fans should not miss it. Friendly reminder: It is recommended to wait until the trilogy is fully released and watch it together)

More movie reviews + recommendations are first published on the WeChat public account "The Journey of Floyd and Helen", thank you

View more about Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters reviews

Extended Reading

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters quotes

  • Metphies: Were you having a nightmare?

    Haruo Sakaki: So, you're here, Metphies.

    Metphies: It's also my job to listen to a prisoner's confession.

    Haruo Sakaki: Should I repent to your god?

    Metphies: I'd settle for a fake confession, too.

  • Takeshi J. Hamamoto: [after hearing Godzilla's roar] M-Maybe it was thunder or...

    Unberto Mori: Idiot! No one would ever forget that roar! Damn it. It's still on this planet.