Oh my love my love this is the song of my life.

Favian 2022-09-30 09:37:10

Everyone makes me cry even that American woman is cuter than an American action movie.

I can't stop thinking that it's not about love at all, it's a hero's story, it's not about tragic or not, and even this virus is full of heroism: he's here, that's ok.

I don't want to stupidly retell the scene but I always feel like there's some factor in my blood that finds the memory and they go back to this familiar night.

Both women love him, but he doesn't love either, his letter to Lisa is deliberate, but he doesn't realize his pretentiousness.

He will never, ever never be on the streets, his heroic moment is only five minutes long, and he is a shadow.

I say it's a song, a visual song, it has a complete script structure but it's never "finished", that's life

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Bad Blood quotes

  • Alex: I was a frighteningly silent child, apparently. I kept silent... but that's not right. Silence keeps us.

  • Anna: Silent men make people feel uneasy. You always think they're geniuses... or idiots.