I didn't understand until the end. . .

Angel 2022-03-22 09:01:21

It's kind of boring for the whole play, or a movie like this in this day and age, although there's a lot of laughter in between. However, it wasn't until the end that I finally understood what the director was going to tell us. I was shocked by Chaplin's final speech. . It turned out that this was his dream all along, and even more so for people all over the world. However, such a dream has never been realized until now. Because how many countries are in dire straits. There are too many helpless things in this society, and many of them are not what they want to be. I hope that one day, these dreams can be realized! ! !

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Extended Reading
  • Anais 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    7.31 "We think too much and perceive too little". Even if it is put to the moment, I still feel a sense of sympathy after hearing these words. Every shot has something to do with it, and I am amazed that this film was released when Hitler was still alive, and he had seen it.

  • Keshaun 2021-10-22 14:40:14

    [The Great Dictator] is a model of political film. It first entertained everyone with light-hearted action comedy and pungent political satire, and then preached to the audience with strong humanistic discourse in the end, calling on them to unite. Chaplin split his role as a tramp into two, which perfectly proved that the realization of power requires words. How pantomimely funny the little Jewish barber is, the evil Henkel knew how to use bird language to incite hatred. The end of the film is a pessimistic testimony: only those who stand on the pinnacle of power can speak. Suddenly the sane ruler issued a call to unite all mankind. When you look at the expression of the heroine, it is clear that you have heard the coming of the Messiah.

The Great Dictator quotes

  • Hannah: [looking in the mirror] Gee! Ain't I cute.

  • Adenoid Hynkel: Nothing works! Not a decent pen. Not even a sharp pencil! I'm surrounded by nothing but incompetent, stupid, sterile stenographers!