Answer Jiang Liuer's 100 Questions

Dovie 2022-03-08 08:01:35

I used to think that Tathagata was the most annoying person in the world.
Until I met Jiang Liuer.

"Great Sage, isn't the Giant Spirit God very big?"
"Are the Four Heavenly Kings brothers?"
"No, they are sisters."
"Nezha is a man or a woman?"
" Does King Tota Li have a pagoda?"
"Is there anyone in the pagoda?" "No.

"Great sage, does the Buddha really shine with gold all over his body?"
"No, it's yellow shit."
"The Buddha is not . A monk? Why do you have hair?"
"It's not hair, it's acne."

"Great Sage, God Erlang really has three eyes?"
"Yes." It might as well have three hands.
"Then will he close all three eyes when he sleeps?"
"..." How do I know how he sleeps?

"Great Sage, I miss my master. Do you think I can find him?"
"...Yes." The ghost knows, I can't even find my master.

"Great Sage, what's your favorite fruit? Is it pan peach?"
"What is it?"
"Peach from Huaguo Mountain."...and Bodhi.

"Great Sage, did you have a golden armor and a red cloak when you made a fuss in the Heavenly Palace?"
"Yes." Otherwise, is it a purple cloak?

"Great Sage, isn't the somersault cloud very soft?"
"Yes." The expression of "I really want to try it" must be so obvious that the saliva is flowing down.
Gee, I didn't let you sit.

"Great Sage, we agreed, let's go together, right?"

I used to think that Old Tathagata was the most annoying person in the world.
After all, he suppressed me for five hundred years.

Until I met Jiang Liuer.
He missed me all my life.

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