so-called France

Brett 2022-03-22 08:01:03

After watching this movie, what I feel most deeply is not the grandeur of the war scenes, but the beliefs of those second-class soldiers.
How many people are still willing to believe in justice when they encounter injustice in their lives, and how many people are willing to go back and forth in the face of knowing the outcome is death. In short, I can't.
There are three scenes in the movie that made me cry for a long time. It has been a long time since I watched the movie and stopped crying, but when I faced those bland pictures without big scenes and no big effects, the most human part of my heart was still touched.
The first was when the little man came back to Provence and he said, I saved my country, even though I never saw my country. I have never been willing to believe in such a power. Just relying on an unfulfilled dream can give everything for him, not to mention that what he got in this so-called free, equal and fraternity motherland was not what he hoped for. He was in France. In the eyes of people, they are just a Muslim, or a lowly inferior person... On the other hand, today, how many people still have such deep feelings for their country, and how many people are facing the pain caused by their motherland. When can I still love her?
The second scene is on the way to Alsace, the army is almost wiped out, there is no reason to move forward, there is no commander and no ammunition... But the sergeant still advances, he said, it is our mission to go to Alsace, Even if we have to pay 10 times and 100 times, we have to pay... In such a battle where we all know that if we go to die, they move forward because of the belief in their hearts and the ideal they have always had. Then, I personally think the part where these 4 people defend the small village is the most exciting part of the whole film. 4 warriors with a bit of idealistic naivety who, despite so much deception and discrimination, are willing to believe that winning the war will get them the self-respect and freedom they want, starting a doomed battle.
The third scene didn't make me cry so much as it made me feel a little ashamed of the French government back then. When the reporter took the camera to photograph the French soldiers who were not bleeding at all and praised them for defending France, the last sergeant who was alive walked silently in front, and the results were him and the three who had died. Warriors traded their lives for it. But he is no longer in the face of unfair distribution of tomatoes and the kind of indignation when he learned that the promotion was only for the French. At that time, he still believed that he could finally be recognized by the French. At this moment, he Sad to find out that justice never belongs to them, they are just poor people who are being used. How sad...
The subtitle at the end of the film is a sublimation. In the history of being so sorry for the soldiers of World War II, the French government still has the face to refuse to pay pensions for retired soldiers. It turns out that a country that has always advertised human rights is nothing more than this! !

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Extended Reading
  • Harrison 2022-03-27 09:01:22

    Freedom and equality are sometimes irreversible

  • Alexander 2022-03-23 09:03:36

    Wearing a uniform is equal, at least the chance of getting shot is equal