The role model of Chinese TV drama directors, the mirror platform of actors, the role model of writers, the tragedy of TV stations, the gospel of audiences...

Terrence 2022-03-31 08:01:02

After watching the previous seasons of Teacher Bai, it is incomparable with Chinese soap operas. The reasoning is so rigorous and serious. Innovative. The actors are not delicate and pretentious, there are no beautiful cars, and there are no complicated stunts. A few simple lines can make up a suspense. Then break down one by one in the following text.
Echoing before and after, intertwined.
Let’s recall the brilliance of our great directors and writers:
emperors and generals, Ge Ge, eunuchs and palace maids, Wukong Song Jiang, Ximen Jinping, internal fighting in the harem, police thieves, spy wars everywhere, spies everywhere. It's all rotten, simple repetition, Journey to the West has been filmed several times, Jin Yong has been filmed several times, and Liangjian has also come to a second edition, ......
Nothing new, so innovative. As soon as it lurks out, spies are everywhere. The bright sword is revealed, and the war movie is foul. Infighting in the harem is in full swing.
Innovation, innovation, innovation of thinking, directors, writers, actors and actresses all watch outside films, don't be tempted, gossip, change skirts, show thighs, and fight in bed with passion......

View more about Live Free or Die reviews

Extended Reading
  • Reginald 2022-04-09 09:01:07

    This is the worst ending, and the best ending, goodbye Heisenberg.

  • Brody 2022-04-11 09:01:07

    I don't know where the point of the drama is, it's a waste of time to watch it.

Live Free or Die quotes

  • Old Joe: [clearing everyone before doing the huge-magnet experiment] Guns, knives, tools, keys, plates in your head, artificial hips. Check your pockets for items, please. Oh, uh, credits card. You'll want that plastic working come Miller time.

    Mike Ehrmantraut: Ya know, I can see a number of possible outcomes to this thing. And not a single one of them involves Miller time.

  • Walter White: So you took it upon yourself to give 622 thousand of my money to a man who had been sleeping with my wife.

    Saul Goodman: She's my client, same as you. Does this arrangement get a little tricky at times? Absolutely. But I try my best, you know, ethically, in my duty...

    Walter White: Ethically? I'm sorry I must be hearing things. Did you actually just use the word ethically in a sentence? You're not Clarence Darrow, Saul. You're a two bit, bus-bench lawyer, and you work for me.

    Saul Goodman: Well Clarence Darrow never had a client like you ask him for something like this.

    [produces the ricen cigarette]

    Saul Goodman: Okay? Yeah, I put my ass on the line for you. Huell too. He's got fingers like hot dogs. He could have easily busted this in two and killed everyone in the office, but do I complain? No. Beg, borrow, steal, I'm your huckleberry. I go the extra mile. Only you never told me that kid would wind up in a hospital!

    Saul Goodman: [gets up] You know, take that thing and get the hell out of here. You and me, we're done!

    [Walter sits up and moves slowly towards Saul]

    Saul Goodman: What are you... Come on, hey. Hey!

    Walter White: [coldly and threateningly] We're done when I say we're done.