dream white elephant

Carter 2022-04-02 09:01:19

Due to the pretext of political asylum, Dupin finally fled to France. But the suburban "idyllic" hides the violence and chaos of the drug trade. Can Dupin really escape the wars and guns of his homeland and start a new life?

Charm blue light emerges from the darkness, selling cheap children's toys. On the streets of downtown Paris, Dupin is evading the pursuit of the police and struggling to make a living.

The janitor's job seems safe, but the drug trade in the opposite building threatens their lives like a ticking time bomb. A sudden shootout frightened Yalini, who decided to leave.

At this moment, Dipan has to take action to protect his life and "family". That white line was Dupin's last bottom line. In the garage, under the ghostly red light, Dupin sat alone, seemingly haunted by nightmares of the massacres of the past. He sang hometown songs, struggling and intoxicated. Far away in a foreign land, why don't you miss your home country? But my love doesn't stop there. A former comrade-in-arms found Dupin, hoping that he could raise funds in France, buy weapons, and ship them back to the motherland. But Dupin refused, and for him the war was over. Facing the beatings of his comrades, Dupin just endured.

That ballad, the tragic tune, also pinned Dupin's longing for his hometown and his sorrow that he could never go back.

Often, an elephant walking in the rain forest will appear in the dream, which is the symbol of the hometown and the spiritual refuge of the wanderer. No matter how far you go, you will be relieved to see it.

However, the reality is cruel, even bloody. In order to rescue Yalini, who was trapped under siege, Dupin picked up the short knife again, slashed and charged, and returned to the battlefield. However, the battlefield at this time is no longer a divided and chaotic motherland, but a peaceful suburb of Paris on the European continent.

In the end, the director still used bright sunshine and a perfect ending to soothe the unease of wandering and the wounds of war. Dupin sat on the lawn with Yarini's child in his arms, enjoying the simple and genuine family joy.

I hope so! I hope the homeless people living in foreign countries can really regain their happiness and find the white elephant in their dreams.

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Dheepan quotes

  • Yalini: Lord Ganesh, spare us misfortune, make things go well here.

  • Dheepan: The war is not over, but for me... it's over.