Garfield's Quotations

Abe 2022-04-29 06:01:07

Garfield has three wishes: "The first is pork rolls, the second is pork rolls, and the third, oh, you're wrong, I want more wishes so I can get more Pork rolls."

If you can't defeat your enemies then join them.

There are many things in this world that are more important than money, such as pasta.

People who fail are characterized by constant failure. If you want to watch him fail, he won't let you down.

Life is like a Ferrari, it comes and goes fast, but it doesn't matter, you can't afford it anyway.

--Jon, if you can guess how many chocolate chips there are in this jar, it's all yours.

--I guess you've eaten them all.

--you guessed right!

Laman: Garfield, are you here to defend me?

Garfield: No, I'm here to confirm your guilt.

You said how many years the cat committee will sentence Narman, I think 99 years is best.

I made a wish to the stars. I don't really believe it, but it's free anyway, and there's no proof it doesn't work.

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Extended Reading

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties quotes

  • Garfield: Yo, it's lasagna, not shish kebab

  • Prince: Please sir may i have some more?