Lao Mi's reflection

Luis 2021-12-02 08:01:26

The power of Lao Mi lies in the fact that people have been telling the truth. Bush's unwarranted war of weapons of mass destruction, destroying a sovereign country for no reason, is simply the best work of US hegemonic imperialism and the chief culprit of the chaos in the Middle East. After the war, various American companies made a lot of money, and that was the purpose of the war. This kind of thinking of a thousand-year boss. We Chinese people do not want to confront, and we are not willing to confront, but we are not afraid of confrontation. China is a vast ocean, and it is still there after the storm. The so-called democracy in the United States, the so-called government is nothing but a puppet of consortia, rich people, and social elites. Where is the true elected president, all domestic and foreign policies are merely a manifestation of the consciousness of the bosses behind the scenes.

Going back to the movie itself, describing Cheney as the shadow president of the United States, even above Bush Jr., this angle is very novel, but not very real. Bell is really a rubber man, fat or thin, for the role Health, hard work is not ordinary, too dedicated.

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Extended Reading
  • Cassandra 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    Once the success is complete, history is written by the victors, and there is no absolute right or wrong in politics. Going back to the movie itself, various hardware did not hold back, but unfortunately, the narrative was off the axis, without the focus, and became a kind of opportunistic "PPT" movie. All major events, the historical nodes that should be emphasized are very rough and skimpy. Regardless of whether it is subjective or objective, although this kind of treatment ensures that the sharp rhythm brings good observability, it often casts a shadow of uncertainty and distortion on the whole film, and it also loses some of the historical biopics that should have been. There is a sense of heaviness and realism. Fortunately, there is no problem with the actor, I feel sorry for Bell...

  • Colton 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    After the film was made, the director also found that he made it ugly and the logic was untenable, so he thought he was "smart" and started working on "self-hack" in the later stage, starting with subtitles, pretending to end in the middle, thinking it was high-level absurdity Humor. I can't bear this kind of setting, including the last bunch of extremely inflammatory and misleading subtitles, which makes the whole movie completely reduced to "Spring and Autumn Brushwork" serving politics.

Vice quotes

  • Male News Anchor: Love is the only human emotion you can't fake.Except women. And thank God they can.

  • Lynne Cheney: My sweet Richard. Dance'd nimbly round the king's hearth thou hath. Even whilst clamored I for more, more! Parched maw craned towards the drip, drip of imagined waters. But I say to you now, rest, retire. Thou hast honored thy vows to wife and crown.

    Dick Cheney: Has blindness usurped vision in you, my wife? No mere treaty is our union. Thou shared thy torch's flame with mine. Revealing halls and spires of long faded empires. And now, I may hold aloft mine own fiery cresset. And make flesh our bond of power.

    Lynne Cheney: Dare I? Dare I let hope's beak place gathered bramble upon my heart for future's nest? Many winters past hath I let this hope die, cruel winds silencing tiny birds' needy cries. Now that it hath arrived, I say yea. Mine own blood and will are yours 'til pierced be the last soldier's breastplate, spilling forth its ruby jelly treasures.