What can I say. Just love.

Jannie 2022-03-23 09:03:33

1. Recommend 5 stars for the first time. The reasons are as follows.

2. I am most obsessed with the animal world, mysterious religious culture and European colonies. I am
fascinated by the primitive jungle. Especially about tigers. .And the rich Southeast Asian scenery of Cambodia that I am fond of.

3. I can’t live without tigers. The tiger baby in 1986. Born to now. The character is docile and stubborn. Well-trained but equally difficult to tame. Stick to one's will and not succumb to fear. Dare to do what is right. The tough shell naturally disguises a cute face. Tiger is a very majestic and kind word. Shocked by it It is broad-minded. There is so-called immersive empathy. The true heart of a child. The love of brothers. The joy of family.

4. This is a film that tends to be a fairy tale. Ma's eyes moved me.

5. Information: The tigers selected in the film are a mixture of Bengal, Sumatran and Siberian tigers. A total of 30 tigers were used. Most of the tiger cubs in the film are from France, and some are from France. Thailand. This made me overwhelmed.

6. The human nature of animals & the animal nature of human beings. Very ironic, enjoyable, and strong realistic.

7. The plot link did not make me feel that the link was broken. This is what I would most like to add. The reason for the star.

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Extended Reading
  • Arely 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Survival is helpless. Humans hurt them in order not to be hurt, and they also hurt humans in order not to be hurt~!

  • Jose 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    The theme is very good, but unfortunately it is obviously a work that does not have animal knowledge and director's obscenity. . Solitary creatures with strong territorial awareness of two male tigers are very unlikely to coexist in adulthood. . Male tigers leave after mating. . Only the mother tiger will protect the cubs to adulthood. .

Two Brothers quotes

  • Administrator Normandin: Bravo! As your excellency's father always said, "One shot, one kill." With you, it's pfft-bang! Straight as an arrow!

    His Excellency: Straight as your road through the sacred jungles of my ancestors.

  • Aidan McRory: Forgive me. Forgive me.