About Rosetta

Kyle 2022-03-25 09:01:19

"About Rosetta"


Chengguang is a success in terms of characterization. Shaking footage and repeated scenes highlight an 18-year-old girl full of ill-will. She longs to "live a normal life" but has to live in a mobile workshop with her drunk mother. From the beginning of the film, she is constantly trying to achieve her desire. But what the audience saw was that she fought with the boss because she was late on the bus and was not renewed after the probationary period; her friend fell into the water because of her own mistakes, and then she hardly wanted to rescue her; she betrayed her almost only one in order to get a job. friends, and so on. She was eager to achieve her goal of "having a formal job" by unscrupulous means, but after she achieved it, she saw her mother fall drunk again in front of someone else's house, and then all her thoughts were lost. It's a tragedy, even if its protagonist isn't likable.
Half a century ago, in 1957, Italian director Federico Fellini filmed "Nights of Cabiria". Kabylia, who is also a woman, works in the most filthy profession, suffers from deceit and discrimination, but still shows indomitable optimism about life. I saw this movie about five or six years ago. To this day, Kabylia's last smile at the end of the film is still imprinted in my mind as a moving inspiration. The word "dignity" is mentioned in a large number of comments related to "Rosetta" in the market, and it seems that all the girls' efforts are to find dignity. To me, "dignity" is a thing that exists or doesn't exist. For a noble person, no matter what situation he or she lives in, dignity exists, just like Kabylia; on the contrary, for Rosetta, dignity is something she can't get yet, Because she doesn't deserve dignity. Even if she ends up getting a job in the film, she gets it in a way that will make her permanently scorned by all who know the truth. The pain of life cannot be used as an excuse for a person to be unscrupulous, play tricks, and do evil. In this regard, Rosetta may deserve sympathy, but not respect.

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Extended Reading
  • Forrest 2022-04-24 07:01:22

    so cruel. Jobs in Europe are so hard to find, and there are so many people competing for such a salesman's job. It appears that the downside of benefits is that they make it harder to find jobs, just because it's so hard to fire them.

  • Monique 2022-03-24 09:03:20

    The film was completed in one go, and the writing method of characterization was learned.

Rosetta quotes

  • Rosetta: Your name is Rosetta. My name is Rosetta. You found a job. I found a job. You've got a friend. I've got a friend. You have a normal life. I have a normal life. You won't fall in a rut. I won't fall in a rut. Good night. Good night.