
Mireille 2022-03-25 09:01:23

It is impossible to trace Maria's complete psychological change from the time she waited hopelessly at the train station wearing a cardboard card looking for her husband, until she was hanging on the parallel bars with her beautiful legs in the gym transformed bar serving American (black) soldiers. It probably started in the station cafeteria, where she bluntly fought back against the GI who molested her in exchange for two wonderful packs of Camel cigarettes.

But don't worry about it. Afterwards, she made a deal with her mother for cigarettes, in exchange for the latter's gemstone brooch, and the brooch for champagne...on and on.

Then Maria seems to have decided to sell only her body, she can become a prostitute of life, but she needs to ensure her spiritual fidelity: to the marriage to Mr. Braun, the one who is in the fire and can be destroyed in an instant. The marriage under the ceremonial ceremony at the moment of occupation and occupation hastily concluded, and loyalty is the same.

Mr. Braun finally returned. She and Black Private Bill were naked at the time. The light coming in from the outside made the bedroom look like a stage, and she almost shouted salacious foreplay conversations, while quickly taking off each other's clothes; the black soldier was already naked, she wasn't there, and she didn't know where she was coming back. The husband watched quietly from the crack of the bedroom door.

No surprise or despair, the light focused on her gray-blue eyes. She has no superfluous emotional expression. She blew off the head of Enke with a wine bottle. She is extremely professional-in front of her husband/marriage, of course, she is a showman, and she is ruthless and ruthless.

She loudly expressed her love for her husband in the criminal court trial. Mr. Braun, who had returned from the slaughter field, almost burst into tears. As a result, he went to prison - locked her husband, and Maria officially married life itself.

She has no scruples because she is so loyal. She had a contemptuous and sly smile on her face, that is, the bottom of her eyes. On the train, she took aim at a new "customer", exchanged a kiss for a first-class ticket, entered the carriage smoothly, quickly changed her clothes, stepped on the stage quickly, closed her eyes in front of the other party and pretended to be asleep, her red lips slightly parted, Controlling the rhythm without making a sound, but never thought that it was the American soldier who was rude and rude by replying, and vividly demonstrated the English level he had learned at the bedside of soldier Bill; the "client" was originally a wealthy businessman who opened a factory, and she was amazed by her The English level, she said I learned it from bed, and the rich businessman said let's talk about business. So she successfully entered a brand-new way to make money and support her family - working as a person (and mistress) in a factory opened by a wealthy businessman. Fate seemed to treat her kindly.

After experiencing layers of transactions with her life, that is, her real "marriage life", after many years, by using old-fashioned means, Maria got rid of her dying wealthy business lover (but she didn't know it, and it turned out to be the biggest failure ), she lived in her new house as she wished, her formerly starving mother even had a lover, and her friend who had failed her marriage started a small business with her blessing (a true manifestation of the essence of "deal", or it can be seen as Maria A mirror image of real life), and most importantly, she ended up being the Maria Braun she is today—just waiting for her husband to come back to her after he was released from prison.

In the end, the husband came back. He says he needs to be himself before he can be her husband; he declares that he refuses to have all that she has. She got dressed again in front of her husband, she said that when I think of you like someone I love, I will take off my clothes, she said that there is a contract between you and me—your mine, mine It's yours, after all, the two only got along for less than 2 days before parting, and her marriage has just begun.

Finally, the viewer will give the conclusion: "The faithful Maria Braun!" But what exactly is she loyal to? She can't be loyal to two "marriages" after all.

At the beginning of the film, on the eve of the Soviet occupation of Berlin, the newlyweds were hurriedly greeted by the deafening artillery fire. Afterwards, the red subtitles looked like wedding cake cream decorations, and the "swoosh" filled the screen and eyes; and at the end of the film, it was also a cry. The deafening gas explosion brought the couple to a hurried life curtain call.

Not too lively, not too absurd. It's always a ruin.

Fassbender once scolded the heroine severely, saying that seeing her face makes her sick! After collaborating on this film, who could ever forget Hannah Hughula's face? ! His camera is like the indifferent and sly smile of the heroine, and like her beautiful legs hanging on the parallel bars, full of playfulness, and full of loneliness before depravity - who knows where these wonderful legs will appear. bed? What about the love and hate of the owner of beautiful legs?

This fucking life.

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The Marriage of Maria Braun quotes

  • Mother: He kept me warm on those cold nights after the war.

    Wetzel: Oh, really?

    Mother: He always brought me firewood.

  • Maria Braun: Most happy people look indecent when one is unhappy.