Write a long film review!

Deonte 2021-12-26 08:01:16

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The characterization of the film is not full enough, and the priority between the characters seems ambiguous. Saul is a well-deserved protagonist. The purpose of this adventure is to confirm his scientific thesis. This is a persistent step he took for the sake of faith. But what position do the other people occupy in the story? The director did not clarify. I think the story is composed of a main character, a sub-main character—the engineer who bought the refrigerator—and several brother-like sub-characters, and this structure is unstable. "The Way Back" is much better than it. As a professional film critic said, Saul represents "the courage of human beings to chase the unknown", and "the entangled raft should be bound with ropes (in fact, wires) instead of twine." The engineer selling refrigerators represents "rationality." . But I think both of them are actually rational, because they both believe in science. But Saul is an idealist, and the engineer is a realist. The extraordinary thing about Saul is that he is a scientist full of idealism. This idealism is reflected in his stubbornness and perseverance. He firmly believes that his theory is correct. In order to prove his theory, he set foot on it. Crazy expedition road. The engineer is down to earth like a scene among this group of people, but Sol himself is actually the most down-to-earth person, because he took scientific research out of the dusty library, "Just sit at the desk or hold a seminar. There is no way to complete this scientific research", this sentence is really good.

Full text source address: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5d608ce201019wmi.html

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Extended Reading
  • Stella 2021-12-26 08:01:16

    At first glance, anthropologists used scientific experiments to demonstrate the drifting route of the ancestors, but it is actually a story of faith. In this story, the god of sock appears as the sun god Kantic. Except for storms and sharks in the real drifting, most of the days are dull, and the pictures are not as beautiful as the boy pi, but the truth is powerful, and the truth itself is power. ps: Five men stir a boat for more than 100 days. Ruthless, it's amazing! ! !

  • Bartholome 2022-04-23 07:03:06

    There seems to be no difference between stupidity and bravery.

Kon-Tiki quotes

  • Epilogue: Bengt fell in love with Polynesia. He settled there and became a Consul General of Sweden. He died in 1997.

    Epilogue: Erik built himself a sailboat, that became his home for 11 years. He worked as an artist until his death in 1972.

    Epilogue: Torstein kept going on expeditions. He died in 1964 during an attempt to reach the North Pole on skis.

    Epilogue: Knut resumed his career in military intelligence. He was also instrumental in the establishment of the Kon-Tiki museum. He died the Christmas of 2009.

    Epilogue: Herman became the director of UN's Food and Agriculture organization. He died at Titica lake in 1986.

    Epilogue: Thor wrote a book about Kon-Tiki. It was translated to over 70 languages, and sold over 50 million copies. The documentary about the expedition won an Oscar. Liv and Thor divorced after the Kon-Tiki expedition. Their boys lived with Liv, who later moved to the US where she died in 1969. Thor continued his work as an experimental archaeologist, author and explorer. He died in 2002.

  • Bustamente: [Walking toward Thor, sit down on a bank] Mr. Heyerdahl?

    Thor Heyerdahl: [taking him wrongly by a waiter] Just a glass of water, please.

    Bustamente: I'm José Bustamante.

    [Peru's president]

    Thor Heyerdahl: [standing up fastly] Your Excellency. Thank you for seeing me.

    Bustamente: What can I do for you?

    Thor Heyerdahl: Actually, I'm here to tell you about something I can do for you.

    Bustamente: And what might that be?

    Thor Heyerdahl: By crossing the Pacific for 5,000 miles. I will prove that Peruvian natives were the first to settle Polynesia.

    Bustamente: [surprised] What? Peruvians discovered Polynesia? And how may I help you?