
Lon 2021-12-13 08:01:08

As a fan of ff, I want to say that although this movie is out of the system set by the ff game, it is still a good movie. I remember someone said that whether it is a game or ac, the most attractive thing is its world view setting. In this regard alone, square enix is ​​better than South Korea and the domestic market, which has more than one high-end merchants. This story is about the "return" between the earth invaded by alien life and the human world forced to float in the universe. Our earth, the mother of our souls-Gaia, accommodates the return of our souls. This sounds very oriental, maybe this is the reason why the film’s box office is not selling well in the West. After all, it is more like an art film than a commercial film-although it tries its best to use dazzling fighting scenes. Covered with a very Hollywood-style plot, it still cannot be separated from the theme of the story itself which is similar to religious atonement-grandiose, sorrow, confession, forgiveness, return... Therefore, although the film has been criticized repeatedly since its release that year, I still think it is a very good movie. If you calm down and look at it, you won't "understand".

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Extended Reading
  • Dasia 2021-12-13 08:01:08

    Was there such a great CG in 2001?

  • Archibald 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    The interpretation of the soul is really interesting. The base of the soul is infinite, and in this way, it will inevitably lead to mutual generation and mutual restraint like the Eight Diagrams. Therefore, what saves the heroine and saves the earth is also a "soul puzzle" based on this endless blueprint. Just like at the beginning of The Brief History of Time, it was said that the universe may be a lot of stacked turtles. It believes that the soul is a representation of different sizes, and finally returns to Gaia, and Gaia will release the new soul. Of course, if you watch it for a fierce battle, the movie would be boring.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within quotes

  • Aki: What's happening?

    Capt. Gray Edwards: Dr. Cid is implanting the Seventh Spirit directly into your body.

    Aki: Then you must be my spiritual support. Gray, how sweet.

  • Aki: Only seven years old... and yet ready to die.