Dead people don't want revenge

Eileen 2022-10-31 04:31:24

People at war turned into units of measurement

In 1939, World War II broke out, including the Jewish Holocaust, the Nanjing Massacre, and the Sweeping Massacre .

It's hard to imagine how huge a data 69 million is. The population of Italy in 2019 was 60.36 million. The war can turn the country into a ghost town overnight. Still hard to imagine? Take a look at the story that happened to one of them.

An old man was sitting on the bench, accused of murdering some big man, he confessed, but didn't say why. The fledgling lawyer takes over the case and discovers that the victim is a father-like being. The feelings of the victim and the silence of the murderer made the lawyer almost give up, but the emergence of certain evidence and ideas, coupled with the enthusiasm of the newcomer, made him explore all the way until he discovered the shocking truth-a successful enterprise in the eyes of outsiders Jia, a vicious officer in World War II many years ago , who cold-bloodedly directed a shooting, forcing the protagonist who was a little boy at the time to personally identify his father, and then kill him.

The grown-up boy tries to turn to the law, only to find that the law protects the murderer. What else can I do? Waiting, waiting patiently, finally one day, the old boy decided to take revenge in his own way. He used the same weapon to kill the former murderer.

War is macroscopic, and we may be numb to data, but if it is spread to everyone, war has become a mountain, and it is the grief of a person's life. The dead don't want to take revenge , but that look, that moment, cannot disappear from the memory of the survivors. It tortures the living every second, turning people into a hollow body.

French cartoonist Jean-Pierre Guibra's cartoon "Love Suspended" depicts a love story in a French town during World War II, and one of the scenes is similar to the German shooting scene in the film. The partisans attacked the cafe, wounding the "SS", and the partisans were captured and subsequently killed. In the film, it is a more cruel "ten for one", and the people in the war have become the unit of measurement .

Respect the law but who made the law

In addition to war, another human-caused tragedy in the film is the law. On May 24, 1968, on the occasion of the German constitutional reform, the law against order, the Dreyer Law, was passed and implemented, which shielded a large number of war criminals from sanctions. The protagonist of the film is one of the victims of the law.

The law has the right to make judgments, and we respect the law, but who made the law? The maker is man, not God, not God. When the law is on the side of the devil, how can ordinary people fight?

At the end of the film, a viewer who is engaged in law shared his views, to the effect that, when you learn the law, don't forget the temperature of people, and don't think that you have the right to arbitrarily rely on those laws .

Nothing is certain, even the law, there are times when it is wrong.

The last shot, it's getting late, outdoors, under the pergola, lighting up, the lawyer throws the dirty basketball, the boy in red catches it, looks at the lawyer, the father waits, the two walk away go.

If there is no war, it should be like this.

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