The recipient is unknown, not only to the American soldiers, but also to the Korean people.

Alessandro 2022-04-21 09:03:32

It's a "Kim Ki-duk-style movie" that emphasizes emotional following

The film adheres to Kim Ki-deok's previous style and guides the audience to follow the protagonist's emotional progression step by step with a calm and objective vision, deeply feeling the loneliness and despair of the three young people, making the final outbreak of the story more powerful.

Animals have always appeared in Kim Ki-duk's films to represent human sexuality, emphasizing the feeling that humans and animals are equal. Although the film never gave any violent frontal shots, people felt cruelty and pain everywhere in the movie.

The actor's ordinary performance allows the audience to better follow the protagonist into their emotions. Through the description of the brutal situation of three young people with different identities but all affected by the Korean War, it makes people reflect on the pain caused by the war.

The most admirable thing about this film is that director Runwu silently raised a very acute problem that has always existed in Korean society. Whether the full penetration of American soldiers and the American economy has brought happiness or pain to the Koreans.

It is what every director wants to do to convey the big background of the big problem to the audience through layers of details, and make them feel and think. This requires not only gorgeous pictures and ingenious stories, but the most authentic self-feeling of the creator.

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