The list is an absolute good. The list... is life.

Ashlynn 2022-04-22 07:01:01

The list is an absolute good. The list... is life. All around its margins lies the gulf. Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. The four shots that left the deepest impression on me, coal dust like snow, shuttle red The little girl, the people walking in colored tones, and the stone erected on Schindler's monument I believe that Spielberg made the film in black and white just to present the first three shots. It can be said that their classics are in I can be at the forefront of my mind. The coal ash falling like snow, needless to say in terms of content, is the burning of Jews by the Nazis. Coal ash is like snow, opening up the warmth and cold, just like life, from hot to cold, and then withered lightly. The little girl in red, who was walking through the crowd, was not blocked by anyone else, like a ghost, looking for an exit, or hope? Perhaps Schindler saw her, she was just a secret thought in his mind, instructing him to do something. Whether it is the erasure and trampling of human nature that makes people reflect, or the experience of similar ethnic groups is indeed easy to substitute, Germany constantly reflects on their mistakes, but that ethnic group is still shameless and has no history. I don’t know if I should feel shameful and sad for them. It's still ridiculous and pitiful, a distorted view of honor and disgrace that puts honor and disgrace above right and wrong. Those tombstones laid on the ground are like coal ash floating from the sky, without any weight, eternal suffering, the brilliance of Schindler's name will continue to flicker, he may not be a German's pity for the Jews, but It is the sudden human nature, which may be a light that can guide people. That's how good movies are. Three hours makes people cherish them bit by bit, and feel the suffering in them. It's like the colic engraved in their hearts. Thanks to the person who gave hope.

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Extended Reading
  • Corene 2022-03-22 09:01:02

    The film I like very much makes me feel very uncomfortable. From the music to the scene, it is very depressing and desolate. When I saw the Jews digging out the gold teeth and casting them into a ring to give to Schindler, I couldn't help but cry. This film has achieved the ultimate level of current war films in terms of thought, plot, photography, and music.

  • Gwendolyn 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    Black and white images are about life. In every long shot, you can see the leaping of life.

Schindler's List quotes

  • Oskar Schindler: I kissed a Jewish girl.

    Prisoner: Did your prick fall off?


  • Amon Goeth: [Loads a rifle and points it in her face]

    Amon's Girlfriend: Amon, you're such a damn fucking child!

    Amon Goeth: Wakey-wakey.

    Amon's Girlfriend: Make coffee.

    Amon Goeth: Make it yourself.