Worse than Skyfall~

Gerda 2022-04-19 09:01:17

Morocco has also been so hot lately that it goes without saying that in the past year or two, the influx of travel enthusiasts will continue to outpace neighboring Egypt, whose risk factor is soaring. I only experienced the charm of this North African country in "Mission Impossible 5" a few months ago, and last night in "Spectre Party" I saw this mysterious area full of deserts again. The latest episode of 007's protracted plot, lack of thrilling suspense, is far worse than Skyfall, although both are from the same Oscar director. The super-speeding romance between the hero and heroine makes me feel inexplicable. The appearance of the villain makes me feel quite a failure. If I had been shrouded in darkness and only heard the sound, the effect would have been better, and it would be more in line with the meaning of the title. Now It seems that the acting skills of the acting uncle are wasted a bit. What is Monica Bellucci's pitiful role for? Only the opening scenes of Mexico's Day of the Dead and Morocco are two exotic scenes worth watching.

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Extended Reading
  • Dovie 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    The production is good but the overall story is boring...

  • Nakia 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    I have seen the protagonist's halo burst, but I have never seen such a burst of MAX! Several OSs that couldn't control the "what the hell" burst into laughter, but it's a pity that my glamour is so glamorous that I just hit a soy sauce with a not-so-existent female protagonist (you can't deal with the characters like Eva Green! !). However, I was still cute, and I gave a thumbs up with a red heart!

Spectre quotes

  • James Bond: [Oberhauser shows Madeleine footage of Mr. White committing suicide] No, no, no. Turn it off. Turn it off.

    Oberhauser: This is important.

    James Bond: I said turn it off!

    [a SPECTRE member hits Bond in the leg]

  • Madeleine Swann: I love you...

    Oberhauser: Do those blue eyes still recognize you?

    James Bond: I'd recognize you anywhere.