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Israel 2022-04-24 07:01:02

A specter,
the specter of terrorism,
lingers on the European continent; all forces within and outside Europe have joined together
for the sacred encirclement and suppression of this specter . "We are at war!" The terrorists expected jihad, and they got it. "Information is all." Governments expected to monitor communications, emergency privileges, and they got it. Too bad ISIS got the audience wrong; European terrorists know, the dead brains of people led by freedom: A terrible event can lead to something wonderful… The things that brings people together. They lost a lot, but flowers and faith.

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Extended Reading
  • Aliza 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Except for the long shot of the first two minutes and the two nice light and shadow scenes in the film, the whole movie is completely useless and drowsy. There is no story and no fight, so it pretends to be a deep shit, Kang busy, are you an action movie, okay?

  • Eloy 2021-10-20 19:00:58

    At least I think it is better than skyfall

Spectre quotes

  • James Bond: [Oberhauser shows Madeleine footage of Mr. White committing suicide] No, no, no. Turn it off. Turn it off.

    Oberhauser: This is important.

    James Bond: I said turn it off!

    [a SPECTRE member hits Bond in the leg]

  • Madeleine Swann: I love you...

    Oberhauser: Do those blue eyes still recognize you?

    James Bond: I'd recognize you anywhere.