Darien Nitzsche

Darien Nitzsche



  • Hereditary Hereditary

    Darien 2022-04-20 09:01:33

    The overall feeling is very general

    This is the first movie that I couldn't resist writing a review after watching it. For an hour and a half of the movie, I waited for 80 minutes for the climax, it was dark from beginning to end, and I couldn't see anything clearly. I always thought that there would be a gap between expectations, and I kept grinding and chirping, not knowing what I was doing, as if I was creating an atmosphere of terror? But it keeps draining the viewer's patience. Finally, I waited until the last half hour,...


    Darien 2022-04-20 09:01:22

    if Potter weren't an alien

    If Potter were an alien, many of the details in the film would make sense, including the ineffectiveness of the drugs, the slow pulse, the ability to see ultraviolet light, the superb knowledge of astronomy, and the disappearance of Beth. If not, just another split personality of Potter, how to explain the above details.

    The drug's ineffectiveness and the ultra-slow pulse could be explained by Potter's sluggishness and incoordination, with slow-moving animals generally...

  • Law Abiding Citizen Law Abiding Citizen

    Darien 2022-04-20 09:01:14

    【Recollections and Recollections】"Law Abiding Citizens (2009)"

    'Law Abiding Citizens': A Brilliant Showdown of On-Screen Tough Guys

    After starring in " 300 Warriors ", Gerard Butler 's acting career is going smoothly. There are already two films of "Ugly Facts" and " Live Action Game " released. For the coming "Law Abiding Citizen", Gerard Butler Said: "The...

  • The Killing The Killing

    Darien 2022-04-20 08:01:05

    After watching the movie "The Killer"

    The story is clever, and the narrative structure is quite simple. Clean and neat, concise and lively, with perfect logic. Express the richest character background and emotional connotation in the least amount of time. There are many characters and few lines, but everyone does not live in the case, but in his life. For example, the police called the police station in advance and said they had radio problems, and before hanging up, they talked to the operator about the sixth child. Mysterious...

  • Beyond Outrage Beyond Outrage

    Darien 2022-04-19 09:02:50

    Completed by all

    Takeshi Kitano may be too old to move, and the actions of all the villains to finish the film have been greatly reduced. Although he has never been the kind of violent aesthetics of John Woo, but this time it is almost completely static, and he is also not To Qifeng
    . I was playing a war of words, so I found a bunch of old dramas. The literary drama seems to be impressive, but the drama was not created. It was a waste of a group of good actors. Only Mr. Fumihiko Hinata, who is used to...

  • The Nanny Diaries The Nanny Diaries

    Darien 2022-04-19 09:02:20

    for anthropology

    For me, this film should have a three-and-a-half-star rating. The story of the film itself is generally recognizable. With the mentality of watching it, it is actually all those bits and pieces about anthropology.
                In the last year of university, I magically wanted to apply for anthropology, a major that is almost unpopular in China, but I like it.
                 Observe life, experience life. It's just that I encountered a lot of things that I didn't want to experience....

  • The 400 Blows The 400 Blows

    Darien 2022-04-19 09:01:55

    If you don't know the history of cinema...

    Would we still look at this work with a pilgrimage mentality if we didn't know the history of film? To be honest, I just watched this movie completely today, and I was forced to watch and listen to how many comments on this movie before. Now it seems that it is a little dull, and I can't see it. It's avant-garde, and I'm looking forward to the long shot at the end, but it doesn't seem to be as long as I thought. After all, the times have changed. Forty or fifty years have passed, so I can't...

  • Still Alice Still Alice

    Darien 2022-04-19 09:01:51

    About getting old

    Being old and strong is precious. The
    precious thing is that you have to resist all the possibilities of aging, both physiologically and psychologically.
    No matter how beautiful you are when you are young, your talent is soaring into the sky, your love is picturesque, your family is sweet as honey, and it is unknown that all these will eventually be forgotten, and you don't even know yourself.
    It seems so sad, but it needs to be expressed, and the expression of your efforts, even...

  • J. Edgar J. Edgar

    Darien 2022-04-19 09:01:49

    Tucao two men

    Recently I watched two films of men that I liked very much. One is Xiao Li's "Hoover's Biography" and the other is Uncle Cage's "Bad Lieutenant". The

    two films can be said to be the excellent works of the two in recent years.

    First of all, Xiao Li

    Xiaoli claimed that the Oscar loser was the hardest NO.1. In the "Titanic" Ruth nominated Jack for nothing.

    Later, Xiao Li mixed with Martin and the nomination was a pity,,, always bad luck.


  • The Nightmare Before Christmas The Nightmare Before Christmas

    Darien 2022-04-19 09:01:19

    creepy beauty

    This work Dimu only serves as the producer and producer, but it still has his strong style.

    Moss blooms Christmas tree Skeleton Santa's mural Black lollipop crawling bathtub

    It's a delightful goth noir, which was a great feat for the '90s, but the storyline is not too hilarious and tends to be childish.

    I like the soundtrack in the movie very much, and also like the sense of ritual in the movie. They just try their best to make themselves happy.

    Hope you always...

  • Champions Champions

    Darien 2022-04-16 08:01:01

    An ordinary warm but meaningful story

    A well-regarded story, a frustrated basketball coach who didn't want his children and his wife to make troubles, was punished for drinking and driving to the community to teach people with intellectual disabilities to play basketball in the national game, and learned understanding, patience, responsibility, responsibility, and optimism in getting along day and night. Stories about life. Such ideas and themes are not uncommon, and it is an innovation to use the theme of basketball games. The...

  • Rampart Rampart

    Darien 2022-03-31 08:01:01

    One of the dumbest newcomers or stubborn people ever

    This is his senior or mentor or something. I think this evaluation is more accurate than the long list of 'compliments' her daughter gave him, which is why Dave is in so many troubles .

    I don't really understand the people who gave this film low marks, what more could you ask for this film? I give it four stars, the one star missing is that there is no complete ending to my liking. At the beginning of the movie, Dave is patrolling with the background music of "Love Is...

  • Mushi-Shi Mushi-Shi

    Darien 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Untitled to Yingu

    Seeing the green, the vastness, the freshly washed green, the
    roaring spring breeze blows the beautiful blooming flowers , the green hills that are
    both dynamic and static, buried in the quiet falling snow, the
    winding sea, and the dark waves against the backdrop of the Wei Xi
    Although I only come gently Any piece of land that I step on lightly
    does not contain the breath of my hometown.
    However, the transpiration of the river of light that I pay attention to, the...

  • Penguins of Madagascar Penguins of Madagascar

    Darien 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    It's enough to be funny

    I took a day off, and after finishing my work, I went to the movie theater to watch this cartoon. I laughed so hard that I was surrounded by couples or adults and children.
      In fact, the story itself is not very good, and I actually watched the Chinese dubbing, I was dizzy, and blamed myself for not watching it carefully...
      But there are still a few funny points, and in the end, it was a little touching, and that's enough.

      I think about it, where are you laughing?...

  • The Break-Up The Break-Up

    Darien 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    Breaking up men and women is teaching people how not to break up

    Why is it translated into this, I still feel a little warm after reading it. Finally, I met on the street and said that I hadn't seen it for a long time.

    Love is always changing in daily life. It is difficult for men and women to think in sync, but when I think of meeting someone, I will meet with you. Wouldn't it be exciting for him to open up a small world together? Although I know that the road ahead will be full of hardships, but it's great to have someone together and have...

  • Darien 2023-09-28 06:18:30

    clark gable is old. . The part of taming the wild horses is so handsome. In fact, the plot is nothing but mediocre. The three-star plot and one star are for Gable and Monroe.

  • Darien 2023-09-09 02:44:24

    A symbiotic relationship that feeds each other

  • Darien 2023-09-03 07:08:07

    70/100 In order to express the intoxicated and poetic life, the director used a very special narrative method and photography to make the whole film look like a large-scale psychedelic queue. It is rare that the story is not scattered in such a seemingly random narrative. No, both the protagonist and the movie are rebellious. But the biggest problem is that this kind of rebellion has not been sublimated. In the end, we actually still know a little bit about the talent of the protagonist.

  • Darien 2023-09-02 15:39:02

    Knowing what you want and don't want

  • Darien 2023-09-01 04:03:07

    It turns out that the original first half of the season (the first six episodes) that Wonton is engaged in is the first season! ? The directors of episodes 1, 2, and 5 are all by himself, but episodes 5 and 6 are back-to-back, and S106 is written by his old partner Jane Aspenson. The large time span of this 106 is very Whedonesque ( aka cut breath), dollhouse is, so is the time span between firefly and serenity, and so is angel if I remember correctly. Would there have been Mutant Enemy at the end if Joss Whedon hadn't quit? This year Mutant Enemy 25th Anniversary Grrrr Arrrrrgh

  • Darien 2023-08-18 02:10:28

    In fact, Daniel, who has very wise dialogues, has transformed well.

  • Darien 2023-08-16 18:59:49

    Very happy, trash grandma, hahahaha~

  • Darien 2023-08-11 16:42:14

    Still sharp Sorenz. After watching all kinds of political correctness, this kind of film is simply a breath of fresh air. All kinds of sarcastic humor show a meaningless and futile life. It's okay to be joking, but don't take it seriously. Debussy's moonlight scene is simply laughing.

  • Darien 2023-08-11 02:57:44

    Putting the Inspirational Incident before the tragic ending that audiences mistakenly think of it is a smart move to strengthen the emotional strength of a happy ending.

  • Darien 2023-07-21 20:54:50

    Grace VanderWaal is grown up and a little unrecognizable.

  • Darien 2023-07-07 15:58:01

    Seeing my blood boil, awesome! ! ! If it were you, wouldn't you know the sister of your friend and partner? Unusual.

  • Darien 2023-07-06 12:45:24

    The most attractive thing is that the composition of the picture is amazingly gorgeous~

  • Darien 2023-07-02 12:57:47

    I've seen the most bloody ending this year so far... Men are really redundant in this world hahahaha

  • Darien 2023-07-02 06:59:12

    This movie reminds me of the midsummer light years fifteen years ago. It involves more social topics than I imagined, and it is more worthy of discussion than the former. However, in my opinion, the problems raised are not hospitable. When I see a male The protagonist was doing everything in heaven to be tormented and tormented. It didn't make me very surging, but I was moved by a tear from Wang Caihua. Only my mother could see it all. The ending was a little sad. After watching it, the corners of my eyes did not stop crying. Everyone's life is not easy, some people climb up the harder it gets, and some people drown there, always standing at the crossroads of youth stories and happened to meet you, wanna

  • Darien 2023-06-24 12:47:15

    Adapted from Hammett's original work, he has never been too fond of tough guys. Scorpio women always have a magical beauty - mysterious, arrogant, sexy, charming; no wonder there are countless tycoons who chased Veronica Lake back then, but unfortunately the stars are fleeting like a shooting star, plus a broken marriage Completely ruined this lifeless beauty.