"Grace," written and directed by filmmaker Paul Solet, first met fans at the sundance film festival in early 2009. The film tells a suspenseful and extremely terrifying thriller story, which provides a new interpretation of "mother's love", which is full of questioning imaginations-in order to protect their young children, mothers even To what extent will it be achieved? What Soret has explored is a field that few people can reach, and while producing a series of horrific messages, everything is in a completely understandable situation. At the sundance film festival, " "Grace" was appreciated by the "Anchor Bay Entertainment" entertainment company and successfully landed in theaters under its active operation, targeting not only horror movie fans, but also parents and every soon-to-be parent. audience, and Soret, who made his big-screen debut through this, is a rookie worthy of continued attention.
The reason why he embarked on the path of filmmaking can be said that Paul Soret was completely guided by his own interests and preferences, and then he was guided by a horror film elite , Eli Derrick Martell Rose (Eli Roth) Influence - Not only was he an advisor to Soret when he attended film camps, he taught him a lot, Soret said: "I've always been an avid movie fan, and from a very young age From the beginning, I have been trying to create something, which is usually a record of the life around me and the imagination I have created, but rarely incorporates insightful ideas. But Derrick Martell Rose is completely different. , he is the kind of person who always knows what he is pursuing in his whole life. It is because of him that I realize what I can really do and make the final choice on the path of my career - every time When a friend asked me what I wanted to do most, my answer was always 'make a movie'. Derrick Martell Rose was a very generous friend who never hesitated to guide me , worthy of being a good teacher and friend, I have learned a lot from the experience he has mastered, at least he will not make the mistakes he once made. He always reminds me that I should be responsible for what I can do, just like himself Also, I am very grateful to him for that. And Derrick Martell Rose also told me that if you go down the road of film, there are no shortcuts, no one can help you, only you can find the real direction on your own , a good awareness and mentality is also very important. So for me, getting to know Derrick Martell Rose was a key turning point in my life."
Some of the previous classics in the horror movie genre were the real inspiration for Paul Soret to make "Grace", he said: "In fact, the original appearance of this film was made by me in 2006. A short film of the same name, until conditions allowed it, became a full-fledged feature film like it is now. I think, the work of the Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, "Pan's God" El laberinto del fauno and El Espinazo del Diablo are some of the most beautiful, inspiring and imaginative films I have ever seen. Growing up with the work of master figures Rajmund Roman Liebling (Roman Polanski) and David Cronenberg (David Cronenberg), these are ingrained in my heart. Then there is the Austrian director Michael Heneke. ), I'm also a big fan of him, and his works "Benny's Video" and "La Pianiste" have both had an unparalleled influence on me. The last one worth mentioning is Kiyoshi Kurosawa is here, and I'm very impressed with his use of sound in Cure and Pulse - have been anomalous to horror since I decided to make a movie I'm fascinated and I think there's still a lot of potential in it, and there's nothing more exciting than that."
"Grace" is a powerful new exploration of the meaning of "mother", and it is expressed in a different form. But Paul Soret is a single man and has no children - even so, the film still has a lot to do with his own experience, Soret said: "The blood relationship between mother and child Being connected is probably the strongest emotion in the world. It is a very special kind of family bond. Although I don't have children myself, I once had a twin brother. It's a pity that he died before he was born. Now. When I know about this, I always have a deep feeling for similar topics. I think these are reactions from the depths of my blood. From an inspiration level, the story of "Grace" The idea stemmed from a conversation around a medical phenomenon, the theme was -- if your baby died before birth, would you insist on continuing to be pregnant until the time of delivery? What I've been looking for It's the truth beneath the surface, even as a man, the idea that a mother-to-be is still carrying her dead fetus fascinates me, and I know it's a topic that has enough potential In general, "Grace" clearly articulates the kind of too bizarre connection that exists only between mother and child. Although it seems to be lost on the surface, in fact, the core content focuses on desire and Need what you don't have. But for me, the film adds another layer of basic meaning to human nature, and while many of us wish it wasn't true, I'm sure anyone can find the answer in it resonance."