In the deepest part of the distant universe, there is a planet called Cybertron. Tens of millions of years ago, an advanced intelligent life body developed both military and civilian robots for a certain purpose, but with the occurrence of various events and the continuous evolution of robots, robots finally achieved independence and freedom. Known as Decepticons (Decepticons) and Autobots (Autobots), the two sides fought a protracted and escalating war for domination of Cybertron. Today, the energy-depleted Cybertron forces the Autobots to seek energy, and the Decepticons follow, and the two eventually come to Earth. Since then, under the leadership of Optimus Prime and Megatron, the two sides have launched a new round of contests based on the earth. Magical shape-shifting abilities, new types of warriors that are constantly being developed, and energy blocks that compete with each other. The grand Transformers story slowly opened.
This film is a classic series of animations produced by Hasbro in order to cooperate with the corresponding toy sales.