Brian Manis

Brian Manis

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  • Extended Reading
    • Tiara 2022-08-19 18:14:06

      garfield's happiness

      I like Garfield because my friend has one at home. It's lazy, very edible, but looks very cute. Not sure if Garfield in the movie is like that too.

         At the beginning of the movie, Garfield jumped up and down in order to destroy the owner's love, so we saw a free-spirited, cheerful and lively...

    • Nakia 2022-10-08 18:20:24

      Everyone has a Garfield

      When I was very young, I admired it very much. Garfield, in my heart, is two heroes that can be tied with Doraemon. At that time, I liked to watch Chinese Satellite TV, because it was the only one that broadcasted "Garfield" and "The X-Files".
        A cartoon protagonist like Garfield was quite...

    Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties quotes

    • Garfield: Yo, it's lasagna, not shish kebab

    • Prince: Please sir may i have some more?