Bao Comments

  • Ethel 2022-04-15 09:01:07

    Although it is very short, it powerfully expresses the Chinese-style mother's desire to control her children and the Chinese-style father's laziness and inaction. The plot of the mother swallowing the baby in one bite is very shocking. , The picture of parents, son and daughter-in-law making steamed buns together is warm, but I feel a little...

  • Robb 2022-04-15 09:01:07

    The bread-son (image to position) metonymy structure is really...

  • Reinhold 2022-04-15 09:01:07

    The bread-son (image to position) metonymy structure is really...

  • Estevan 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    Although it is very short, it powerfully expresses the Chinese-style mother's desire to control her children and the Chinese-style father's laziness and inaction. The plot of the mother swallowing the baby in one bite is very shocking. , The picture of parents, son and daughter-in-law making steamed buns together is warm, but I feel a little...

  • Melyssa 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    This work is not good. After reading it, it is unclear whether the director's focus is to criticize the abnormal psychology of the Chinese mother's "son is my whole world" or to praise the Chinese family philosophy that the family has reached a reconciliation and is...

  • Katheryn 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    This work is not good. After reading it, it is unclear whether the director's focus is to criticize the abnormal psychology of the Chinese mother's "son is my whole world" or to praise the Chinese family philosophy that the family has reached a reconciliation and is...

  • Kayleigh 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    The cannibalistic and deformed Chinese education model forced a happy ending in order not to be abrupt in front of the family fun. It is said that ghosts can't understand (so what kind of caters to the...

  • Nigel 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    The cannibalistic and deformed Chinese education model forced a happy ending in order not to be abrupt in front of the family fun. It is said that ghosts can't understand (so what kind of caters to the...

  • Shaun 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    Using steamed buns as a metaphor for a son, would you swallow it if you don't obey?...

  • Sydney 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    Using steamed buns as a metaphor for a son, would you swallow it if you don't obey?...

Extended Reading
  • Dagmar 2022-04-23 07:06:11

    Empty-nest cure buns

    Oscar's best short animation "Baby Bao", a Chinese family philosophy animation based on food.

    The film was directed by Chinese-American director Shi Zhiyu, produced by Pixar Animation Studios in the United States, and distributed by Disney Studios.

    At the beginning, the music gradually started, and...

  • Arely 2022-04-23 07:06:11

    love or investment

    Two days ago, because of the topic of school discussion, I asked my mother a question, I asked her, why did you give birth to me? She said, raising children to prevent old age. Oh, so I'm just a cold item in your eyes. Sometimes I feel like my parents love me, but sometimes I wonder why they should...

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